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Two and a half years Later.

Reign's POV.

Rule number five: Try not to find yourself in a long distance relationship, there's a ninety-nine percentage chance that things will not work out.

Luke and I found ourselves in that situation, a situation whereby our relationship was being held together by a cellphone.

We hated it but missing each other wasn't the worst part, the worst part was the luck of trust that we had in one other.

I thought he was fucking everyone at his uni and he thought the same thing about me, hell we even had a pretty big fight about it and we broke up for like two weeks but then one day when I was exiting the school building, I saw him standing outside waiting for me, I literally dropped my bag and ran to wrap myself around him like a monkey.

We talked things out that weekend and he told me he was going to transfer to my uni, I called bullshit but he kept his promise and transferred the following year.

Luke's father cut him off after he claimed his real inheritance, his Mom pays for his school tuition but that's it, no housing or food or clothes or cars just the tuition. His grandfather's attorney said he can't get anything until he's twenty-one years old.

He and I found ourselves a small apartment near campus, we both have jobs, you know, in order to survive the real world.

We barely see each other during the day but it always puts a smile on my face when I walk home at the end of day, knowing that I'm gonna see him and hear about his day and eat with him and shower with him and lay on the same bed as him.

And I also look forward to weekends because we either lock ourselves in our apartment all weekend long or we go out to have fun like normal college students, like today, it's Saturday and I made breakfast after taking a long soothing shower.

Luke's still asleep, he had to work til late last night at a restaurant, he didn't even eat when he got home, he just threw himself on our bed and blacked out.

I had to take off his shoes and shirt while he was sleeping and that was not easy.

I sit up on the couch, suddenly feeling worried.

What if he's sick again?

The last time he got sick, I had to call his Mom and that was very.. awkward.

Don't judge me, he was puking and sweating and his temperature was really out of control, I panicked.

I bring myself to my feet, eyeing my handbag on the floor where I had left it last night, instead of picking it up like a mature adult, I walk over it, sauntering to the bedroom, the door is halfway open so I kick it open.

He's still sound asleep, laying on his stomach, lips slightly parted, messy hair, shirtless.

It's fantastic how my body breaks out in shivers just by the sight of him.

I lay beside him, resting my head on his back.

"Luke?" I draw circles on his skin with my index finger.

"Mmm?" He hums.

"It's almost Ten, I made breakfast." I say.


"What's umm-hmm?"

"I can't feel my body," he mumbles.

"I can't let you sleep all day."



"Go away."


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