Chapter 15: When did Luke Richardson become a man?

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Reign's POV.

I don't know rats shit about football or how it's played but Ariana forced me to attend this one.

For moral support. Her words not mine.

I only agreed because she is actually trying to make things right with me and I appreciate her efforts but then again I feel like I'm just Garrett's replacement.

I am Garrett's replacement.

People are scattered around the parking lot which tells me that the game hasn't started yet.


I'm early.

I make my way to the alley that leads to the bleachers, also known as the hook up spot.

"Reign Miller attends a high school football game, all be damned." Says a guy from English who has his arm wrapped around Daisy Benson's shoulder, the guy's name is Matthew something but I always decide not to acknowledge it because he's an asshole.

I look over my shoulder at them walking next to me.

"Trying new things," I fake a smile.

"You want a sip," Daisy extends her smoothie.

"No thanks," I shake my head.

"It's not booze," She rolls her eyes, "It's mixed berry flavor, I don't like mixed berry," She points out, Matt narrows his eyes at her.

Then why buy it? And why not throw it in the trash?


Someone please shut her up if I take the stupid smoothie.

I let out my hand and she passes the smoothie, she smiles at me as they walk passed me, Matthew sends a wink in my direction and I roll my eyes.

I reach the bleachers and I raise my brows at how full the house is.

People actually like watching sports.

Who knew.

My eyes travel to the football field, Floodlights lighten up the entire place like daytime, I watch as Traditional style bands march on the field while cheerleaders do their backflips and leg sprints, showcasing their abs and perfect bare legs. I smile when I spot Ariana down there too.

She was born to be a cheerleader.

Football players from both teams stand on what I'm guessing is their respective sides.

I continue my journey to find myself a spot on the bleachers, leaping throw the seated crowd and apologizing for stepping on people's shoes.

"Watch it." Says a voice that I do recognize a little too well for my own liking. I look down at the guy who's wearing a black hoodie, I can't see his face but I did hear his voice.

"Richardson?" I ask, feeling a little confused because last I checked, Luke was a football player.

He looks up, peeks even.

"Miller." He's chewing gum.

"Well, shit," I chuckle.

"Move along." He shoos me away with his hand.

He wants me to disappear.

You know what that means right? No? Well, it means that I should not disappear.

I squeeze myself in-between him and the blonde girl he's sitting next to, she squints her eyes at me in annoyance, I narrow my eyes at her in return. She rolls her eyes and scoots over, leaving more room for me.

Love Is Overrated Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora