Chapter 8: What's wrong with romance movies?

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Luke's POV.

I catch up to her at the ticket booth, her movie hasn't started yet, which gets her excited.

"Two tickets." She says to the bored cashier before turning to look at me, "Pay up, rich boy," She says to me.

I roll my eyes at her as I fish out a fifty, paying for the movie that I'm not even interested in watching, the cashier hands us the tickets and we start walking inside the theater. She drags me to the snack bar, she orders for a big bucket of popcorn and a big cup of coca cola, she makes me carry the popcorn as we head for the double doors.

Stepping through, I notice a feel people scattered around the almost empty theater, the lights are off and what seems to be the trailer plays on the screen.

We walk down the aisle, taking our seats midway in.

"They don't make horror movies like this anymore," She takes the popcorn from me and places it on her lap like she doesn't plan on sharing.

"No?" I look around us.

"No, ever since scary movie, every horror movie has been a comedy," She says, shoving a hand full of butter free popcorn in her mouth.

"Wasn't scary movie like a collection of all horror movies that was made into a comedy?" I ask.

"That's what I said, Richardson," She says with her mouth full.

"I didn't take you for-"

"Shush!" Someone from behind throws popcorn at us. We both turn to look back at the little boy sitting next to an older man.

The movie hasn't even started yet and it's a fucking R-rated movie for fuck's sake.

"You shush!" I also throw popcorn at him, the man next to him sends me a murderous glare, "Take him to watch Barbie or something," I say to the man, Reign giggles, sinking into her seat.

"As I was saying, I really thought you'd be one of those chicks who watch movies like The Note book just in order to cry your eyes out for no good reason and say shit like their love was so real." I chuckle.

"Of course you did, you think like that about every girl," She whispers since the movie has started.


"And why do I feel like you've seen The Note book?" She narrows her eyes at me suspiciously.

"It's my sister's favorite movie," I shrug, she licks her lips like she's stopping a laugh from escaping her, I don't know why but I find myself staring at her now wet lips.

"Where does your sister go?" She asks, I clear my throat, looking at the screen ahead.

"Hawthorne academy," I respond.

"Hawthorne academy," She counters, "Sounds fancy," She says.

It is fancy, I was also supposed to go there but I protested, I wanted something normal that couldn't easily give me things just because I were a rich kid, and as far as I know, everyone from Hawthorne academy makes it to a good college, brains or no brains, they find themselves at good colleges that most likely earn them a good job in the world.

I didn't wanna do it like that.

"Uh-huh," I respond, watching that little animal-human like creature viciously murder a teenager.

"Damn," Reign laughs at the scene, I turn to stare at her.

"So, what's wrong with romance movies?" I ask, another set of popcorn comes raining down on us from behind.

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