Chapter 45: Right In The Chest.

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Luke's POV.

I wake up feeling nothing but numbness, I can't stop thinking about the conversation I had with Reign last night, it keeps repeating in my head again and again.

The worst part is, even after all that, I still miss her, I miss her so much it makes me wanna scream.

I've thought about picking up my phone and apologizing but what will I be apologizing for? I didn't do anything wrong.

I keep wondering what happened to her, why was she crying when I had called? Why did I call at such a bad time and did she break it off because of whatever happened or because she was starting to catch feelings like me.

I guess I'll never know.

I sigh, staring at the ceiling and feeling like I might go crazy with all these thoughts.

My bedroom door opens and Mom walks with a laundry basket, she narrows her eyes at me then at the empty bottle of whiskey on the floor and at the hole I punched through the wall last night.

She releases a tired sigh as she let's herself in.

"Get up, take a shower, eat and go to school." She orders, picking up my scattered dirty clothes from the floor and throwing them in the basket.

"Are you doing laundry?" I prop on my elbows, watching her.

"Is it that obvious?" She deadpans.

"Why?" I force a chuckle through my tight chest.

"What? I can't do my kid's laundry?" She opens my closet and disappears inside.

I think about how going to school today is gonna suck.

Seeing her is gonna crash me.

Not talking to her is gonna break me.

And ignoring each other is just going to be super awkward for the both of us.

"Hey Mom?" I call.

"Yes?" She answers from the closet.

"Can I transfer to Hawthorne?" I ask.

"Ha ha, funny."

"Seriously, I'd be more than happy to transfer schools right about now." My heart arches, everything arches actually, it's like I got hit by a truck twice in a row.

"What's going on with you?" She peeks her head from the closet.

"Nothing, I just want to transfer." I lie.

"It's too late for you to transfer schools." She walks out.

"Can I skip school?" I ask.

"No, Luke, you can't skip school."

"But I really can't go today or tomorrow..." Or ever, "I'll try to make it on Monday."

"Jesus, Luke." She starts walking out of my room.

"Please?" I plead, she holds the door knob and faces me.

"Fine but you're driving your sister to school since she's grounded." She declares before exiting my bedroom.

I sit on the edge of my bed, running a hand through my hair and glancing at my phone on the nightstand.

I should call her, right? Just in case she-

No, fucker, don't even think about it.

I think about getting into the shower and going through all that showering process.


I'm already wearing shorts so I throw on a white t-shirt and a pair of shoes.

I rake my fingers through my hair to make it look less miserable.

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