Chapter 23: Naked Shy.

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Reign's POV.

Cramps are the worst.

No one deserves to be at school while on their period, I'm gonna make period holiday a thing when I become president.

I'm stress eating chocolate in English, Mr Davidson has noticed but he isn't stopping me, he's just shooting glares at me from now and then.

Mr Davidson is my favorite teacher, he doesn't exactly exaggerate his position like most teachers.

The bell goes off and I almost cry cause finally, I can go eat more chocolate.

I carelessly shove my books in my backpack, bringing myself to my feet and swinging the bag around my shoulder.

I freeze, looking down at the still empty seat behind mine.

Luke always sits there because Mr Davidson forces us to sit next to each other during his class.

I thought he was just running late like he always does but I guess I was wrong.

My heart squeezes in my chest when my brain drives me back to last night, to how Luke Richardson kissed and touched me like he owned me then he just stopped and we stood there in awkward silence until Mason pulled up with his car.

The last part was weird but let's not get all bitchy and pretend that I didn't like it.

The fucker is pretty good at kissing.

Damn him.

"Miss Miller?" Mr Davidson drags me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I snap my head to look at him as I finally leap out of my seat.

"Do you happen to know where Mr Richardson-"

"No, I don't." I cut off the middle aged man, smiling at him in the process.

He sighs and shakes his head at me as I hurry out of the classroom.

I literally push people out of my way while rushing to the vending machine.

I stand in front of the machine, my shoulders slump.

It's empty and there's a printed paper glued to it that says out of order.

"Are you fucking kidding me!" I grit my teeth, lightly kicking the useless thing.

"Hey, you," Ariana wraps her arm around my shoulder and playfully pinches my cheek, leading me towards the school cafeteria.

"Please tell me you have chocolate," I stare at her in her cheer uniform and long ponytail as I hug my stomach.

"Oh shit, the monthly guests are here, aren't they?" She half laughs.

I give a hurried nod.

"Poor baby." She pets my hair.

Ariana cuts the line to get her food, as always. I'm not hungry for anything other than chocolate so I wait while Ariana gets her food.

"Hey, Reign." A girl I don't know greets with a warm smile and a little wave.

"Hi." I respond, plastering my fake smile.

I could have added her name to that 'Hi' if I knew it but I don't, that's the thing about being.... Known. The whole school knows your name but you only know a few of them like every normal person is supposed to.

Ari gets her food and we head to our usual table.

I'm pretty sure I'm walking awkwardly and I ask Ari to check my behind even though I had a tampon change like twenty minutes ago.

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