Chapter 14: Why are girls so into assholes?

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Reign's POV.

"Mondays make me wanna gouche my eyes out," I say to Ari as she drives passed another red light.

I grip my seat, feeling like we might get hit off the road by a giant truck coming from nowhere.

I know she said she'll be giving me rides to school from now on so we can girl-bond or whatever but why am I letting her drive me to school? She's a horrible driver.

"Yeah, mondays suck ass," She responds, checking her face in the rearview mirror and fixing her hair. "You're coming to the football game this Friday, right?" She shifts her eyes from the mirror to me.

"Eyes on the road, please," I urge.

Both her hands grip the steering, finally concentrating on the road.

"Why didn't you ride with Garrett anyways?" I breathe, shifting in my seat.

"He's a dick," she speeds the car on that note and I sink in my seat.

"What did he do?" I dare to ask.

"He called me a slut for having a conversation with his brother at his family dinner last night." She looks at me for a brief second.

"No way!" I gasp dramatically like I'm actually surprised by this information but I'm not, every guy at our school throws the word slut around like it's the biggest compliment a girl could ever receive.

"Yeah, I just need space from him," She sighs.

I look at her and I actually feel bad, I might not know what drives these women insane when it comes to toxic men who don't deserve them but I feel like it's genuinely impossible for them to just let go.

"Ari, what's my favorite song of all time?" I ask her, she turns to look at me and a smile stretches across her red painted lips.

"Love myself by Hailee Steinfeld." She answers proudly.

"Do you know why It's my favorite song of all time?" I question.

"Because it talks about loving yourself and all that other stuff that you're into," She giggles, I roll my eyes, looking out the window.

"No, it's actually about masturbation." I say.

She snorts a laugh, "No, it's not."

I huff, looking back at her.

"When I get chills at night, I feel it deep inside without you.

I take it nice and slow, feeling good on my own.

Got me speaking in tongues, the beautiful it comes." I quote the song. "And let's not forget about the scream my own name part." I add.

"Oh my God," She laughs.

"I know."

She stops the car in the student school parking lot and grabs her phone from the console.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Asking google about that information," She says while pressing the screen, I snatch her phone.

"Google is as blinded as you are, my point is, I listen to that song and it teaches me two lessons. One says that I can love myself and do shit without depending on a partner, the other lesson says that I can get myself hot and be satisfied without anyone else's help. Either way, I should love myself."

"But you already do all that," She points out.

"I do, I'm not talking about me, I'm talking about you, Ari, you need to love yourself," I clarify.

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