Chapter 37: Not Even As A Joke?

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Reign's POV.

I did go on that date with Hunter on Sunday.

He took me to that sushi restaurant by Hallcreek river and we ate while he rambled about all kinds of stuff. Hunter likes to talk about himself and the things that happen in his life, it's kind of annoying.

I spend the entire night thinking about other things and he doesn't even seem to notice.

He drives me home and talks about how he and I can't work as a couple.

The fuck?

I friend zoned you first, bitch, shut up.

He pulls up in my driveway and he smiles at me.

"This was nice, we should do it again sometime." He points his index finger between us.

Never again.

"Sure, why not?" I fake smile at him.

He doesn't respond, he just stares at me in silence.

That's how I know that he's probably thinking about kissing me.

Nope, not gonna happen.

I quickly open the car door and slip out of the car, "Okay, bye!" I shut the door, hurrying to my house.

I enter the house and it's dark and silent, I quietly make my way to my room.

I kick my door open, lazy walking inside and throwing myself on my bed.

Why did I go on that date in the first place?

Dates are for desperate and cheesy people.

I'm not desperate.

I think I was expecting that date to be something fun like in the movies but it wasn't fun at all, I couldn't stop thinking about my bed or what my friends were up to tonight.


What if the date was just okay and I'm just exaggerating things because I'm the freaking problem. I'm the normie in this scenario.

A creek sound from my window cuts off my thoughts, I sit up as someone slides my window open.

Probably Mason, he always stops by when he can't sleep.

He lands inside my bedroom and rests his hands on his hips, catching his breath.

It's not Mason, it's Luke.

He's in a black tank top, basketball shorts and runners. He's breathing heavily and his hair is damp.

Did he run here?

"Get out of my room." My tone betrays me, I meant to shout those words.

"Oh, yeah, my night was great, thanks for asking." He sounds breathy.

"No, seriously, I don't wanna look at your face, get out of my room." I whisper shout, pointing to my window.

"And why's that?" He narrows his eyes at me.

"Because you're an asshole and I can't believe I....."

"You can't believe you what?" He challenges as though he knows exactly what I want to say but he wants to hear me say it anyway.

"I can't believe I got involved with.. you.. like.. that." I stammer, standing up and crossing my arms over my chest, keeping a straight face.

He slowly ambles towards me, not breaking eye contact.

I drop my hands on my sides then I interlock my fingers behind me.

He gets in my personal space and searches my eyes.

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