Chapter 39: Dreams Can Be Deceiving.

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Luke's POV.

We do end up going to that party but only because Reign got frustrated with the movie and Damien and Ariana started flirting and we didn't wanna see the end of it.

The party is somewhat the true definition of teenage chaos.

But it's nothing I haven't seen before.

Garrett texted me earlier, saying to meet him and Mason upstairs and not to tell Reign about it because she 'wouldn't approve.'

For some reason, I tell Reign that I'm going upstairs to meet with some blonde, she's shocked at first because she's never thought about me fucking with anybody else but Reign being Reign, she gets rid of the shock quickly and smiles.

"Go get 'em." She pats my shoulder and disappears to the kitchen.

I part my lips, feeling a little surprised.

Go get 'em?

She sounded like one of my teammates.

Unlike me, Reign shows no emotion. She knows exactly what she wants from me, she doesn't get confused or frustrated when I don't respond to her texts or jealous when another chick talks to me, she doesn't care about that stuff.

It's just sex, she made that pretty clear.

I climb the stairs, making it to the room, I find Mason and Garrett and a bunch of other people doing all kinds of illegal drugs, it's like they have their own little party in here.

Mason is standing in front of a dark haired girl, having what looks like a tense conversation with her while smoking a joint.

I close the door behind me, careful not to draw attention to myself.

As I walk further into the room, Mason starts stalking closer to the girl he's talking to, she walks backwards but her back soon slams into me and she yelps, slowly turning her head to look up at me.

Mason passes me the joint, I take it, bringing it to my lips as I survey the room.

Feeling the girl's eyes on me, I look back at her, tilting my head to the side and exhaling in her face as I stare at her pretty round face, she coughs, jerking her head away from the smoke.

Mason and I exchange a glance, he smirks, I grin.

"Who's this?" I pass the joint back to him.

"I don't want any trouble." Her voice trembles, her gaze bouncing from me to Mason.

"She doesn't want any trouble." I tell Mason, touching a piece of her soft dark hair.

Mason takes one more step closer, she leans back into me like I'm her shield, like she's more terrified of him than me.

Mason tips her chin, staring into her eyes like a predator, she grasps my hand and tightens her grip, her body rigid against mine as she silently cries for me to help her.

I will help... Eventually.

I push her hair behind her shoulder, leaning over.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" I whisper in her ear.

"Olivia." She sounds like she's about to cry.

"What are you doing here, Olivia?" Mason drinks in the length of her neck like he's just dying to claim it.

Sick fuck.

"I... I-" she stammers, her voice shaking.

Are we that scary?

"She wanted to play with the big boys but she wasn't ready for this fuck show," he smirks, "Were you, Olivia?"

"I wanna go home." She sounds like she's crying.

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