Chapter 25: Teenage Hormones.

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Reign's POV.

Ariana threw a costume party.

I'm not dressed as anyone in particular.

I'm wearing a white t-shirt, knotted at the front, short checkered flared skirt, thigh high socks and Converse shoes.

Mason said that I look like a teen pornstar but I ignored that comment.

We had to pick up Jasmine from her house because they're finally that close now and she looks so badass in that Harley Quinn costume.

The ride goes with me rolling my eyes at them for attempting 'small talk' it's so weird, like just kiss already, Jesus.

We arrive at the party around nine and it's already packed.

Mason let the top down on Luke's car so I just jump out while he goes around to open Jasmine's door.

I roll my eyes for the twentieth time.

I start heading to the house without them because they're starting to make me sick.

I wrinkle my nose at a girl who's puking on Ari's porch, the door flies open before I could touch the knob and a drunk couple dressed up as... Romeo and Juliet? Walk out.

I snort a laugh, shaking my head at them.

I'm welcomed by Post Malone's big lie booming from the speakers inside the house.

Wild dressed up teens jumping up and down, weed and alcohol wafting in the air and are those two screwing each other in that corner?

"Gross," I avert my eyes.

Regardless of all the disturbing scenes I'm seeing, it's actually the biggest turn up I've seen all year.

Go Ari.

I drift through the crowd, looking for the one and only host of this party.

I find her in the kitchen, standing by the counter, talking to Luke.

I swallow at the sight of him, leaning my shoulder against the door frame.

Ariana is explaining something to him while he's looking down at the counter, mixing liquor with soda while smiling at whatever she's telling him.

He looks a little different, taller? Or maybe it's because of that new hair cut?

The guy looks good, Reign, admit it.


I release a frustrated groan when Ari says something that makes him laugh, his face glowing as he looks at her and says something like, "You're shitting me."

"Goddamn teenage hormones." I mutter, pushing off the wall and walking away.

I bump shoulders with a girl dressed as Sabrina the teenage witch.

"Sorry." She says and I recognize her voice.

"Olivia?" I snap my brows together in confusion, she looks at me and smiles.

"Hey, Reign." She gives a little wave.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, raising my voice due to the loud music.

I know what you're thinking, it's a fucking party, she's here to party.

I think not, Olivia Conner is only a sophomore but, the girl is a fucking genius, like give her the hardest math question you can find and she'll solve it in ten seconds. I've witnessed it first hand.

"Kyle invited me." She says nervously, smoothing her blonde wig.

"And you came?!" I widen my eyes.

"Uh, yeah, he just-"

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