saida - darkness

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The sun began to sink under the horizon, buildings rising up and falling over the landscape and casting a hazy glow that shone over the girl's sharp features.

Sana didn't think her life could get any better. Sitting here in Dahyun's car with the low tune of music playing over their steady breathing.

They were simply sitting in silence staring straight ahead at the beautiful painting in front of them. Well at least one of them was.

Sour orange mixed with sweet pink. Liquid gold flowing and dancing across the sky. Scattered clouds placed delicately across the sky. All of it at once just eased the mind and spoke to the heart, something the two girls needed desperately.

The sun was still peeking out and it gave this beautiful reflection in Dahyun's eyes. Or maybe it was just Sana's mind.

The japanese girl took this rare opportunity to stare at the beauty in front of her. Dahyun's side profile was jaw dropping.

Deep and mysterious, telling so much yet showing so little. Eyes traced over the said girl's face yet Sana still couldn't seem to find any flaws. Inside or out.

Her nose perfectly angled and soft domed cheeks that held a light red tint. Her lips curved into a perfect shape and they looked so enticing. Sana was holding onto a small ounce of self control.

As much as Sana had studied Dahyun she wanted more. Needed more.

Sana knew she was already too deep. She was aware she was falling and yet she still fell. Dahyun was worth it though.

Oh boy was she worth it.

Sana craved to be with a certain pale Korean. Though she was close to giving up as her hope for anything more than friendship was just a thin thread hanging on.

Dahyun was Sana's everything. Her sun and moon. The stars in the galaxy. Her reason to live. She wouldn't know what to do if Dahyun just disappeared.

Her eyes started to sting just at the thought of it. Sanas heart ached as she longed for the feeling to be returned.

But all she got was unreciprocated love...

The sun's presence was fully gone now. A lonely yet full feeling seeping into Sana to replace it. It felt good in some sort of way.

A lone streetlight stood in the parking lot, the only light around the darkness. No cars no noise. Everything was still for once.

Sana felt like the street lamp. It mimicked her thoughts.

For what seemed like years of staring at Dahyun was actually a couple of minutes.

Dahyun finally turned to face Sana. Emotionless expression and unreadable eyes, still keeping their sharpness that pierced Sana's soul.

Sana could stare into those eyes forever. So dark she could get lost into the void that was Dahyun.

Lost in a dark room with no windows or doors. No one to help her get out. Not even a light to aid her. Not to mention Sana was afraid of the dark.

Sounded quite familiar.

Sana was afraid. Afraid of rejection? Or losing their friendship and everything they had built up possibly. Afraid Dahyun wouldn't come to save her from the dark hopeless fear of hers.

"Do you feel it?" Dahyun lowly mumbled.

Attractive. She sure knows how to drive Sana crazy.

"Hm?" Sana was lost in thought.

Dahyun continued to eye Sana. Unknown to her, Dahyun would in fact save her from the dark.

Dahyun reached for Sana and held her chin with her fingers, delicate and soft as if she was made of glass. Cold skin brushing against a heated flushed face.

That effectively snapped Sana out of her daze.

"Do you feel it?" She asked once again.

Sana stayed silent, fearing and anticipated what the girl would say next.

"I've been keeping this to myself for years now. Im afraid I can't do it any longer. Sana I like you." She straightforwardly said it. Dahyun hesitantly looked up to check her reaction.

Dahyun continued despite receiving no kind of feedback.

"I like you so so much that I don't know what to do with myself when i'm not around you. You make me feel like im the only person in the world and you yourself are the only person in the world that exists to me."

"You light up a room when you smile and simply your presence makes my day better. I couldn't go without talking to you not even for a day. You are my world Sana and im sorry if im being irrational here but I want to spend my whole life with you."

Sana could only see pure love in Dahyun's eyes. Genuine and pure love.

"Sana I know I ruined everything I just couldn't take it anymore. You-" But Dahyun didn't get to finish.

Soft lips were sealed against hers. Dahyun closed her eyes as her brain was clouded with nothing but Sana.

Sana, Sana, Sana.

Is this real? It didn't feel so dark to Sana anymore.

Sana continued to initiate the kiss, moving her lips against Dahyun's sweet ones. Their lips perfectly in sync like they were made for each other.

Dahyun's hand left Sana's chin and cupped the latter's jaw. The fingers of her other hand got tangled into Sana's hair while the Japanese's fingers danced along her body, touching Dahyun's waist and hips.

Neither dared to break the kiss, not even for air. It was as if as soon as they let go everything would be gone. As if everything was just simply a dream that was too good to be true.

Finally Sana reluctantly pulled away from Dahyun, but not before nibbling her lower lip which drove the younger insane. Panting and sweat undoubtedly coating Sana's soft skin.

"Dahyun you have no idea.."


964 words
A/N: Ok this sounded better in my head IM SORRY

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