7. I'm Not Here To Make Friends

Start from the beginning

   "Lastly...what do you think is the cause?"

   That makes a ripple of conversation sweep through the crowd. Not only because this was on live television, but because of the weight of that question. I'm sure of it.

   "We haven't pinpointed that yet. But I have professionals and analysts working on it full-time. I have my reasons for suspecting that a certain individual, a super himself, is the culprit, although he has made himself extremely hard to follow." The Mayor's mouth tightens. "We will find him, I assure you."

   That makes Trevor grab my arm, and it makes me similarly tense up. He knows. Because of the public venue, he can't say his name or anything else, but it's enough. Hopefully this works.

   Then suddenly, there's a big boom from behind, in the direction of the courthouse. The ground shakes at the same time, making the crowd cry out in alarm.

   "What in the name of Gondor was that?" Trevor's hands clench and unclench, and he seems to be vibrating.

   Seemingly in answer, there's a roaring noise, somewhere between elephant and pterodactyl. A giant wing with hooked talons appears around the tower on top of the city hall, to the various noises of surprise from the crowd. A head appears, long and thin, with a mouth lined with sharp teeth.

   "Holy Elven Rings," Trevor breathes. "What is that?"

   I can only stare, rooted to the spot.

   The thing starts to blow plumes of fire, torching half the Mayor's staff right on the spot but luckily missing our reporter. I see her dive out of the way just in time, though. Then it screeches, launching itself off the roof — with a wingspan that's nearly as wide as the building — shooting more flames straight into the crowd, which scatters in all directions.

   Hank grabs me from behind, swinging me to the ground and pushing me towards the fountain that I can see through the trees.

   "Hank!" I glance behind. Trevor's still frozen on the bench. "Trevor!"

   "Hey kid!" Hank bellows over his shoulder. "Come on!"

   That seems to goad Trevor into action. He takes a flying leap off the bench, running perpendicular to the front steps of City Hall. The flying thing seems to notice, because it shoots a stream of it right at him.

   "Trevor!" My scream's lost in the whoomph noise as a couple trees catch fire, coupled with the chaos still going on in front of the hall.

   But then, miraculously, I see a green blur shoot up from the bare branches of the trees, and that's when I remember. Fire can't hurt phoenixes. It gives them their unique powers.

   "Whoa." Hank's hold loosens on me just slightly as Green Phoenix, complete with a long stream of green tail feathers and a fiery crest, grows to equal the size of the pterodactyl thing.

   "Think he's incapable now?" I snap, forgetting the pain in my arm where he's gripping me.

   He doesn't get time to answer. Green Phoenix is beating the air with his powerful wings, daring the other creature to come closer. For a second, the other creature doesn't. It seems confused as to what it wants to do.

   But then it tucks its wings in and pushes itself off the ground, launching itself straight at him. Its long snout hits Green Phoenix right in the chest, causing him to roll over a couple times in the air. Then it snaps at one of his feet at the same time, and the screech that results cuts through me like physical pain.

   Just in time, he regains his balance, righting himself and batting the thing's next attack aside with a vicious swipe with a taloned foot. It screeches again, this time sounding much more frustrated, aiming another stream of fire at him. Green Phoenix employs the same maneuver, tucking his wings and diving to avoid it. It catches his tail feathers, though.

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