Introduction to Double Super

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Book 3 – Summary:

When Mayor Ridley Green abducted St. Louis's flagship super, Blue Bolt, and disappeared, to everyone it appeared he had won. After all, how do you find someone who doesn't want to be found, not to mention evil to the core and will surely destroy you if you try?

That's the question supers and non-supers must ask themselves after the events in Nashville only weeks ago. Mayor Green's super persona, Hammerhead, is poised to unleash his evil plan and change the world. What's worse, he seems to have all the weapons at his disposal including the Red Knight-recently divested of his powers-and his son, Blue Bolt. It's only a matter of time before everyone knows Green's true intentions.

So once again, the supers of St. Louis must dig into the secrets Mayor Green might be hiding. Exposing him and his corrupt ways may be the only chance they have of stopping him for good. That is, if he doesn't get to them first.

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