[Chapter 37: I'm Switzerland]

Start from the beginning

"Goddammit." You heard Pennywise mutter to himself in frustration, the killer clown rolling his eyes and calling somebody else out. "Krueger?"

"Had a good night's sleep, princess~?" A familiar voice drawled out devilishly; a certain dream demon popping into reality and out of the dreamworld. "You could stand to be at least a little bit nicer to me, y'know~?"

"This isn't about your hurt feelings right now, dream demon, nor is it about your self-confidence or lack of skills." Pennywise viciously taunted, flashing him an evil smirk as a response and therefore sparking up a confrontation.

"Oh, you really don't want to start up a fight right now." Freddy flared back in return; holding out his finger-knives while also leaning against your bedroom wall and narrowing his eyes himself. "If anything, you want to be careful about what you say to me, bitch."

"If I asked you to wait downstairs with everyone else, would you...?" Pennywise quizzed out of slight curiosity; switching personality within a few seconds by frowning and acting unusually concerned.

"What...? No...! You literally just told me that I might've brought back a corrupted children's toy home with me...!" You uneasily exclaimed, internally freaking out and feeling more fear by the second. "Why would I leave a corrupted item upstairs - here - when I know it's been tampered with...!?"

"Of course not." Scooping you into another hug, Penny sighed, shaking his head whilst shooting the demonic slasher a possessive glint straight afterwards. "Krueger...? Mind double-checking...? Because that doll is no ordinary doll. I think that you'd know that better than anyone, dream demon."

"Let me get this straight...YOU called me out...to check out...a DOLL...?" Freddy complained in a furious voice, releasing a laugh of disbelief before taking a step or two towards said object. "It doesn't even LOOK broken..."

"SEE...!?" You bursted out with a superior manner, behaving faintly smug as you sided with Freddy. "It doesn't even "LOOK" broken."

"Motherfucker, I don't have TIME for this—"

"You can sense the soul-power lingering in it." Pennywise informed him fiercely, watching Freddy pick the doll up and carelessly spin it over in his hold. "You can. The others can't. You've always had some sort of strange and bizarre connection to my world that I've never been able to understand. More so than Earth."

"Soul-power...? I...I don't understand. What does "Soul-power" do...?" You unhappily probed, looking up at him with a puzzled gleam and questioning his overall explanation.

"Oh, you're going to love this, honey~" Freddy purred flirtatiously, blowing you a kiss after studying the "Good Guy" doll over and over again in his grasp. "Believe me~"

"Love it...? Why...? Are you seriously telling me that I'd actually be interested in keeping a toy doll that I found in an alleyway, somewhere...?" You sarcastically spoke, startled by what he was attempting to say to you.

"She's NOT going to like this, you prick." Penny snapped sharply, gritting his teeth and shifting over to his dark self yet again. "So go and speak to—"

"If you think that I'm going to just "talk" to the others and drop this doll, you're wrong." Freddy rejected Pennywise's words almost at once, striding towards the clown and swinging his gloved hands in his general direction.

"Hey, hey, hey...!" You shouted in distress; darting in-between them and in the end, still trying your hardest to calm the situation down. "Stop...! I'm...I'm tired of this...!" Standing disapprovingly, you held your hands out and prevented them from moving altogether - stopping a fight from happening and forcing another argument. "From now on I'm Switzerland, OK...?"

"You're a...country...?" Penny repeated with a blank expression, surprised by your sudden quote and peculiar words.

"It's just a phrase, dumbass." The dream demon interrupted irritably, shrugging off your prior comment before losing interest and dropping the poor, childish, toy-box. "It's probably nothing special anyway. Looks like somebody crafted the last of its kind."

"(Y-Y/n)...? E...Everything a-alright...? You're s-still coming down f-for dinner, a-aren't you...?" Hesitantly, Norman called you out; giving a respectful and regardful knock after he'd asked his extremely polite question. "I...I mean, if you're n-not hungry o...or anything, I-I understand...Sometimes, but I-I...don't always feel t-that way, y'know...? I...It'll p-pass..."

"Of course I'm hungry for dinner, ahahaha...!" You laughed wildly, flinging open your bedroom door as you finished snatching up Pennywise's wrist. "I-I just...I-I mean...The new toy that I found...I didn't expect it to be so...so clean and uncluttered."

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