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Check out the book of abby_hj
"the new change" she's new with wattpad so go easy please. :) she really knows how to write drama and i kinda love drama so that's really a book for me! You try it too maybe you'll like it :)

sooo guys... I've got some shit news...

I'm too busy lately for wattpad and yesterday was the last chapter that was made by me: Roy.

I've got school exams coming up and I'm moving somewhere else because I've found a job there, not a real one tho, I'm too young but it's a company of our family. Just a little shop and I'll begin tomorrow. My parents didn't want me to be distracted from school and my new work so i had to give up wattpad.

My GF wil take over my wattpad, and she can write just as good as me! So don't worry about the pervertness either, i rubbed off on her XD

I'll never forget you guys, you were awesome and fabulous and super supportive. You guys inspired me to write and look were it got me now! I've got awesome new friends and alot of super nice comments and your love for my books that you showed by voting on them!

All of this got me trough some of my troubles and helped me trough the day.

Let's not say goodbye... let's say see you later, cuz i know we'll meet again somewhere in the future :)

send me off with a big smile, and smile even wider and bigger when i come back ^___^

Stay awesome as always and of course... always keep smiling :D

~ Cheshire ~

Over and out.

See ya later my friends :)

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