Cold Starbucks with hot fudge on it

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A/N ok so this chapter is going to be hopefully: fluff, flirting, pick up lines and alot of sassy dorkyness, and it goes a little far... and even further in future chapters. So yeah i hope I'm good enough XD

At starbucks; 12:59. Hayden's pov

I was in starbucks waiting for Astrid. Then out of nowhere it went dark and i heard a voice whisper in my ear: "Geuss who?" i smiled and shivered pleasingly when i felt the warm air over my neck and ear. "Erm... is it an angel?" The voice giggled "Almost.. try again." I smirked and answered: "My, my... is it... a really hot and beautiful girl with the name Astrid who still ows me a hot chocolate?" She yanked my head back so, that she was looking down at me and said "Hey handsome" with a wink. We both laughed and she sat down next to me.

We talked and then.... we got goofy...: "Hey Asty? Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" She giggled and said: "No but you should tie you're shoelaces." "And why would i do that?" "Because i don't want you to fall for anyone but me." I smirked and said. "Ah that certainly won't happen milady, but I've gotta ask... are you from Tennessee?" "Umm... no I'm from here silly, why?" she asked laughing "because you're the only ten I see." We laughed at each others goofyness and i did my smooth move:

"Hey Astrid... it's getting pretty *oeeeaaahhh* late don't you think?" -it was 3 o' clock XD- And i stretched my arms above my head and let it fall on her shoulder. She smirked "real smooth Haydie, but yeah now you mention it... it's kinda chilly too." And she scooted closer to me and putted her head against my shoulder and faced my neck. "Absolutely freezing" and i pulled her even closer against me.

Third person pov

They sat like that for a while and then decided to go to Astrid's house. Her mom wasn't home so they went to her room.

Hayden's pov.

I walked into her room and walked to the bed and sat on it. What i didn't know was that Astrid had closed the door and locked it. She asked me: "Hey hayden... i still have homework soo... could you help me?" "Yeah sure, what do you need to do?" "Well, we need to interview someone and i thought that maybe i could interview you?" I smiled "of course! What do you want to know?" She sat next to me on the bed and started the questions:

"What is your whole name?"
"Hayden Haven Horrendous Haddock III"

"What's your favourite colour?"
"It's green"

"What do you like?"
"Arguing, it's kinda satisfying if you know that you're winning it"

"When were you born?"
"July the seventeenth"

"Do you have sibling's?"
"Yes, i have a beautiful sister. Her name is Hazel."

"What do you like about yourself?"
"My eyes, they are the same as my dad."

A/N do you know the song? XD

"Okay, that's good thanks Hayden!" "Anything for you Astrid" i answered happily. Then she did something unexpected..... she kissed me right on the lips...

A/N bow chicka wa wauw....

She climed on my lap while our lips were attached to each other. She run her tongue over my lips, asking for entrance. I gladly obliged. I moaned when she dug her fingers in my hair while lightly scraping my scalp... it was heavenly. I slipped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me, she deepend the kiss further and this time she moaned when i left her lips and began trailing kisses along her jaw line and neck. I licked her neck and began sucking on her pulse, that would leave a giant hickey but... now everybody knows she's mine.... well... going to be mine.

I felt something and realised that she had her hands under my shirt and traveled over my chest to my stomach and felt my abs. She almost got my shirt of when....

"Astrid! Honey I'm home!" We both jumped at the sound and we realised it was her mother. We both thought the same thing: Fudge.

A/N oehhh cliffhanger! Wel... that was ah... kinda hot... i think ima get a cold shower now... tnxks for reading tho XD

See ya and keep smiling!
~ Cheshire ~

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