Ex problems and a Painful Flashback

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Haydens pov

We were walking around the mall with my arm draped around her shoulder and her arm around my waist, when... "Hey Astrid!" She turned around and pulled me with her. When she looked too see who had called her, she saw... "Uch, what do you want Eret!?" Astrid spat iritated. I looked at him in disgust. "Woah woah... i just wanna show you my new girl!" I scoffed, rolled my eyes and said sarcastically to him:"yeah.... sure... she would be totally jealous" Astrid silently giggled and pecked my cheek. I blushed and Eret looked furious. Good.

"As i was saying.... meet my new girlf-" I didn't listen any more because i saw her. My ex. She's the reason that i didn't search... she broke me. She broke my heart.

She walked up to us and Eret wrapped an arm around her waist. I looked anywhere but her and the she spoke: "Hey, Handsome! And who are they?" I dared too look at her and i saw her looking me up and down with lust in her eyes. I began to get mad and pulled Astrid closer to me, she sensed my discomfort and began to stroke my arm that was holding her... it helped.

She glared at her and Eret spoke: "Ah! Hey baby! They are Astrid and Hayden. Hayden, Astrid this is Heather" I politely nodded and Astrid said hi. "Oh i know Hayden" She said flirty "How are you Haydie?" My blood was boiling. Nobody except my friend and my Astrid could call me that. I also felt Astrid's arms wrap around me in a protective manner. "Heather, first don't call me that and second I'm on cloud nine because i have this beautiful lady by my side." I looked lovingly down at Astrid, she blushed and cooed and she gave me a kiss on the lips.

Astrid's pov

Heather's face was priceless! When i kissed Hayden and pulled away, she glared at me with daggers in her eyes. I smirked evilly and gave him another kiss. Then i heard an 'ahem' and Hayden and i pulled away. Eret looked at me with a face that basically screamed: 'I want you back! Take me back!' And he is looking at Hayden with a: 'You! Stay away from my girl!' Expression. Yeah, sure I'm not your girl Eret. You have your coal head, i have my Handsome piece of lovely and caring meat, I tought to myself.

There was an awkward silence soo...: "ok! Well nice to meet and see you! But I've gotta go shopping with my man." I looked at them and they just nodded at us. I grabbed Hayden's arm and walked with him to a clothing shop, we ended up in the Coolcat and that store has some fine ass clothing!

~time skip~ ~Haydens's house~

I was looking at the caps i bought, when i remembered that Hayden got uncomfortable back there with Eret and Heather. I walked to him and asked: "Hayden.... what's up between you and Heather?" He looked at me broken and shyly "Hayden you know you can tell me anything, I'm your girlfriend ya know? It's kinda one of the rights i have." I giggled and he chuckled a bit, he let a deep sigh "she's the reason i didn't search and didn't believe in love anymore." I rubbed his back and looked at him with sympathy in my eyes, silently encouraging him. He smiled sadly and told me the whole story: "sooo... i still went to Acardian Academy and i was sixteen year's old...."

Hayden's pov

I was sitting in the canteen and was waiting for my girlfriend Heather. I was waiting for her, and she didn't came the time we planned for our lunch together. So i went and searched for her trough the school, i went to the school garden and searched there. But what i saw next made me wish i didn't even came searching for her. Heather... my girlfriend.... making out with that bastard: Daniel Dagworth.
I looked at it in disbelief, Heather noticed me and pulled back from him. She looked evilly in my eyes and said the most painful words ever:

"I'm not sorry Haydie, Daniel is much more of a man than you are and i only dated with you because of your fame. Goodbye loser, we're trough." She then continued to make out with Daniel and i ran away with tears in my eyes.

~~~~~~~~END FLASSHHHBACK~~~~~~~~~
Astrid's pov

Hayden was on the verge of tears i pulled him into my chest and stroked his hair. "Baby... it's ok let it out, I've got you and she doesn't know what she's missing." He broke down and sobbed in my chest. "Astrid... please don't leave me..." he said in a small voice that was slightly muffled because his head was in my neck. "I'm not going anywhere babe, and I'm not planning on it either." I kissed his head and held him close.

"Thanks Milady.... I-I I love you Astrid America Hofferson." I smiled at him and kissed his nose. "and i love you Hayden Haven Horrendous Haddock the Third, so damn much." He smiled back. "Milady.... i want you to meet my friends tomorrow, but don't freak out." I was confused for a second, but too lazy to pay much attention to it. "Sure babe, I'd love to." He kissed my temple and we fell asleep in each others arms.

Wooo! Sorry guys i had a writer's block hehe.. i hope you liked it tho! And next chapter, we're coming to the actual plot, with meeting friends, school, pain and discovering secrets.

You guys are awesome and fab Let them haters hate!

Stay awesome and keep smiling!
~ Cheshire ~

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