Meet my friends and... Jealous much?

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Hayden's pov

"Urch..." i woke up and looked around, i was at my house. But what is laying on top of me? I looked down and saw my beautiful angle sleeping peacefully on my chest. I smiled and moved her bangs out of her face. I kissed her forehead and she woke up. "Good morning beautiful" i said and kissed her head again.
"Morning baby" and she kissed my lips.

We laid there for a few minutes and got up. I grabbed my phone and texted Jack.

~ Astrid renamed him soo when he texts his name is Haydie baby XD ~

Haydie baby: Sup bro? Listen meet me with the band at Starbucks, I've got a lot to tell you guys!
Frosty boy: Yeah sure dude! I'll see ya there, peace!

Haydie baby: Aight Man, see ya and don't forget the girls!

Frosty boy: Don't worry! I've got this.... Haydie Baby

Why you little.....

i was so busy with planning revenge on that little booger, that i didn't notice that Astrid walked up behind him and she wrapped her arms around his chest. "Who you texting there Haydie baby? Your boyfriend?" She asked me teasingly.... uch why did she have to use that nickname?
"As a matter of fact, milady. I'm not, we're going to meet my friends at Starbucks!" She froze and turned me around. "Really!?" She asked excited. "Yep!" I said popping the 'p' "Just get ready and then were going to Starbucks." She squealed and ran to my room to get some clothes on.

~ at le Starbucks ~

So Astrid and I walked into Starbucks and i looked around to find my band... uh.... friends. Astrid doesn't know my secret yet, but I'm going to tell her today. I looked in a corner and saw them sitting at a table. "Hey guys!" I waved at them and began to walk over then i grabbed Astrid's hand and entwined our fingers. "Hey Hayde-" They stopped mid sentence. "Hayden?" Jack asked me calmly "erm... yeah?" I said nervously. "Who's this?" Merida asked.... anoyed? "Ehehehe yeah... um guys, this is Astrid Hofferson... my girlfriend." Astrid waved at them "Hi, nice to meet you guys."

I looked at their facial expressions:

Jack: Bewilderd, Amazed, Proud and Impressed.

Punzie: Excited, Proud, Amazed, Happy and Surprised.

Merida: Angry, Mad, Jealous, Irritated and Disappointed. Wait what?

"Dude! That's freaking awesome! And she is Astrid Hofferson!? You lucky son of a female dog! I knew you had a crush on her in high school, and now you finally have her! Congrats amigo" Jack yelled laughing. I blushed and looked at Astrid, whom was smirking at me. "Hehe whaaaaat....? Jackie i have noooo idea what you're talking about" Jack narrowed his eyes playfully. "Aww c'mon Haydie baby... you know you had a crush on her...." i wanted to strangle him, oh well fair enough i called him Jackie....

I was a tomato right now, and then i felt a pair of arms around my neck. "Yeah Haydie baby... you know you had a crush on her...." i looked down and saw Astrid grinning like the
cheshire cat. "Ohh you know me too wel Milady Hofferson" and i rubbed my nose against her nose. She blushed and said: "Hayden we have company, we'll finish this later ok babe?" I looked at my friends and they all had the same expressions, but Jack looked smug now. "Hehe... yeah sure sorry guys."

Astrid's pov

Hayden sat down and i sat on his lap, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek. I giggled and blushed.... then punched his shoulder, he laughed. "Sooo.... i know Jack now, but who are the girls?" I asked curiously. "Wel, this is Rapunzel Corona, but Punzie for short." Jack explained to me. Punzie waved "Nice to meet you Astrid." I smiled at her and nodded. "And this is Merida Dunbroch, Mer for short." Merida looked at me in... disgust? "Hey" was the only thing she said... rude much?

I shook it off ~nudge nudge~ and just leaned back against Hayden's chest. Merida was glaring daggers at me... What? "Sooo how long till Hayden finally grew some-"

There was a random dude near their table that was telling a story about tennis: "....balls!" he yelled and then began to speak normal.

"And popped the question?" Jack finsished off. "Wel, he didn't ask..." i said nervously. "Yep that's right, she asked me!" Hayden exclaimed triumphantly. I punched his shoulder again and then kissed his cheek. We all laughed, and i sat peacefully on Hayden's lap and listened to their conversation. They talked with each other.... except for Merida.

She groaned stood up and left, nobody noticed it... but i did. I looked at her and she turned and looked at me with a 'you're gonna pay for this' look. I looked at her back with a 'oh yeah? Bring it beach' look. She snapped out of our little staring contest and looked longingly at my Hayden. I saw it and wrapped my arms possessive around his neck, she huffed, rolled her eyes and walked out. Jealous much!?


Hi! Done I am! With this chapter XD.

(says this in a very bad Mexican accent) Oehhh... sooo Meri deri has some of them crushies on señor Haydie, no? Wel, too bad! He's under the love spell of milady goddess Hofferson torch head! XD

(I'm not a hardcore Hiccstrid shipper, but i don't like merricup at all, i prefer Hiccstrid. No offence to merricup shippers, it's your own choice! And i don't hate Merida personally or physically! .... makes totally some sense XD)

Stay fabulous and keep smiling!
~ Cheshire ~

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