Ren leaned backwards in his position against Mei's chest, "If your talking about that street vender that Pigsy said to not ever, under no circumstances, go to? Then yeah. That's what you think it is."

Mei looked at the massive plates of meatballs, "Oh what's so bad about a eating contest? It's just a bunch of meat balls." She waved off Ren's worry with a wave of her hand.

Ren watched the two besties walk into the vendor stand and order a plate of meatballs for MK, "Not that I told you so..."

"But I told you so."

A massive hiccup proceeded to send a small earthquake around the ramen shop's area.

MK sat on a stool, trying to hold back another fit of hiccups by holding his friend, but it seemed to just erupt in his chest and send everything flying around him in the restaurant.

Tang sat at the counter, eating a ramen bowl casually, Ren not knowing if he actually paid or not, while Pigsy was sent flying over the counter.

Using the wooden counter to help himself up, Pigsy peered over at MK with a almost baffled look, "This is the worst case of hiccups, I've ever seen..! How'd this happen??"

Ren sat beside Tang with a smirk as he met eye contact with a hesitant Mei.

He was definitely not the one to tell Pigsy about the events that occurred this afternoon.

Mei sighed and slid over to show Pigsy some pictures while she explained, "So remember how you told MK not to enter that Meatball Eating Contest...?" She laughed nervously.

Pigsy shrugged, "Under no circumstances, yeah."

Mei then shoved her phone up into the pig demon's face with no remorse.

Pigsy grabbed the phone to see MK absolutely devour a whole plate with a mouthful.

MK in the background threw up his arms to flex at his superb eating speed skills, "500 meatballs under minutes. Yeaaahhh—!" He then released a hiccup again and shot up out of the seat like a rocket, straight through the ceiling.

Mei smiled with a innocent air, "We think they might've been cursed."

Ren let out a laugh, "We? No no no no—! It was me. It was me who was bothered and it was me who warned you guys about the vendor lady, but noooooooo~!" He waved his hand playfully.

Mei sent the boy a small hiss of irritation, giving him a warning glare over her shoulder.

Pigsy rubbed his face of the incurring annoyance, "MK. Of all the thoughtless adventures setups you coulda thought of, this one takes the cake." He crossed his arms disapprovingly.

Ren then brought MK back down from the roof and ceiling as Mei began to go on a crazy rant about all the treatments they tried.

"I tried, everything! I tried rubbing his belly? Giving him a good stare..? Then I tried hitting chakra points, but nothing worked—!" Her eyes then landed on Tang who continued to slurp his noodles in peace.

"Uh oh." MK let out another hiccup and flew backwards.

Well. That was until Mei slid over to his side and placed her elbow on his shoulder with a smirk on her lips, "Oh Mister Tang—! You gotta some ancient techniques for cursed food poisoning, right?"

Then MK slid into the picture with a smirk of his own, "Riiiiigght~! Huh? Huh?"

"I know what to do when I'm not feelin' too hot. A nice special brew of tea, perks me riiiight up!" Sandy then literally teleported out of nowhere that it startled even Ren who sees teleportation daily at his household.

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