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Y/N took a deep breath before looking at Yoongi with no emotions playing on her face.

Yoongi was startled for a second but he quickly redeemed his position before clearing his throat.

'It's nothing harmful and I won't keep you for a long time. Just a few minutes? You know I only want to apologize!' Yoongi sighed.

Y/N looked down at her shoes which were now being centered by Yoongi's left shoe brushing with her left one.

She took a deep breath before nodding, knowing how stubborn her ex-boss is.

Yoongi smiled faintly before pulling away his hand and taking her out of the elevator.

Yoongi walked ahead of her as Y/N followed him. Knowing how he was turning from hallway to hallway, she knew that he knows this place.

Y/N halted her steps when Yoongi stopped and pulled out a key before opening a door.

'This is my apartment.'

She gasped when she heard him saying. She didn't know that Taehyung and Yoongi brought an apartment in the same building and on the same floor!

'Taehyung, I and Jimin have brought apartments in this building. Others have brought their apartments to the next building to us.' He said as he pointed to another building through the glass window.

Y/N awkwardly walked inside as Yoongi told her to sit down.

'Please end this matter quickly.' She hand gestured.

Yoongi blinked but nodded. He wanted to take time with her but he knew she wanted to visit her parents too.

'So, you know the reason right? First of all, I was very angry. And all the shreds of evidence were pointing towards you. I knew you were innocent but I really wanted to catch the culprit.'

Yoongi started as he sat down a little far away from her on the same couch.

'I am sorry for hurting your feelings back then. Also, I wanted to apologize to Nabi as well. I mean, I don't know if you know what happened the day Eva got caught, but Nabi asked everyone if they believed you. I actually said yes but she already assumed that I was against you still and walked away.'

Y/N widened her eyes at his words.

'So he believed me?' She thought.

'I know that maybe I won't be able to do any successful collaboration with her but still, I want no misunderstandings between us. Apart from this topic, I just wanted to say I am sorry to you and if we can be friends?'

Y/N shifted uncomfortably as Yoongi came closer and took her hands in his with hopes aspiring through his eyes.

'Please? Give me a chance! I want to apologize to you then Taehyung and then Nabi as well. I am the older one. So I should've been in character more.'

Feeling nervous about the closeness and remembering the day when he fell on top of her in his studio, she quickly took her hands back and stood up.

'I will give you another chance. So, can we go now?' She hand gestured.

Yoongi smiled as he nodded.

Not waiting for him, she opened the main door and walked towards her brother's apartment.

'It's that one.'

She flinched when Yoongi said and rang the bell of Taehyung's apartment.

'Oh, Yoon- HUH!? Y/N!'

Y/N saw her foster father opening the door and he gasped when he saw Y/N beside Yoongi.

Y/N smiled as she hugged him tightly.

'Oh, dear! How are you? You look so thin! Come inside! You too Yoongi. Namjoon and Jungkook are already inside.' Her foster father said and closed the door behind them.

Yoongi walked towards the living room as her father pulled her towards his and her mother's room door.

'Yobo! Look! Y/N came!'

Y/N was startled when her foster mother came out of the bathroom. Her hairs were still wet. But the smile on her face made Y/N's heart bloom.

'Y/N-ah! My child! How are you!'

Her mother hugged her tightly as Y/N's eyes became teary. It took only a second for Y/N to cry out loudly.

Her foster mother's eyes also became teary as she felt guilty for leaving Y/N behind.

Namjoon, Jungkook, and Yoongi were looking at the daughter who was bonding with her parents.

Yoongi smiled. He thought that Y/N was crying because she met her parents after so long. But the real reason for her tears was her feelings. She felt overwhelmed by how her foster parents were embracing her.

'Omma is so sorry dear...For not being able to take you with us and leaving you behind on your own.'

'Okay okay! Now stop this crying session! Others have come too!'

They were stopped by Taehyung who came and separated them. Y/N's face became red as she blushed when she noticed everyone looking at her.

'Oh, I should prepare the dining table! The dinner is ready but I need to reheat.'

When Taehyung's mother went to the kitchen, his father went inside the room as other members sat down in the living room.

Y/N quickly went to the kitchen to help her foster mother.









'The Japchae was so delicious aunty!' Namjoon chimed.

'Yes!' Jimin went along.

Y/N who sat between her father and brother stood up.

'I have to go. It's already too late. I won't be able to catch the bus.'

'You can stay here for tonight.' Taehyung said.

Before Y/N could protest, Taehyung said,

'I have extra room. Since there are 4 rooms, we have 2 rooms vacant. You can choose any room. As for clothes, you can have my T-shirt and sweatpants.'

'Ewwwww! Not yours!'

Y/N fake gagged as she narrowed her eyes.

'You stinky guy! That one time you gave me your sweaty clothes!'

As Taehyung and Y/N bickered through their talks and hand gesture, Hoseok and Jimin let out some huge laughs.

Namjoon sighed knowing this is how siblings are. Yoongi and Jungkook also enjoyed it as much as the siblings' parents did.

But only Seokjin had tears in his eyes. Recalling how he played with his sister when they both were young. How they would bicker just like Taehyung and Y/N were doing. He felt jealous. He felt he should steal her from Taehyung. He felt something was missing.

The only reason why Hoseok and Jin didn't recognize Y/N was that when they last saw her, she was very young. And now that she has become a woman now, her features have also changed drastically....


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