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'WHAT?!' Y/N spilled her coffee as she looked her phone.

'Yes. I heard from my manager.' Jackson said in the phone call.

'Ani wae!'

'I don't know. He will be coming in to your show tonight.'


'I know but can we do?'

Y/N sighed.

'Fine! I will hung up now. I have to shower.'

'Okay. I will come to your room later.' Jackson said as he hung up the call.

Y/N couldn't believe what she just heard.

'Mr. Min wants to collab with me?! But why? If I do a collaboration then I have to see him, Taehyung oppa and Him too!' Y/B whined to herself.

'I will see him too. I never knew he was in BTS.....That day....I was shocked to see Hobi oppa...I knew  him a long time ago. He studied in the same school as me and Jin oppa.' She again recalled those days she saw him with his friends.

Hoseok never knew about her existence nor Jin's. They just studied in the same school for a few years. Though Jin and Hoseok studied fir only one year. Jin then went abroad and Hoseok and Y/N continued to study on their own.

Nobody knew each other's existence until one day Y/N had to give some music sheets to Hoseok for his dance. That's why she knew Hoseok way before anyone else did.

It was so weird for her that the world is so small. Her real brother, her foster brother, her senior in school, her boss in her workplace were working together. She was amused by how things were now.


Y/N looked at the notification on her phone. She frowned. She had talk with Rose and Jog suk at noon and now it is afternoon. There was noway someone other than her friends and manager would text her now.

She tapped on the message and saw it was from an unknown number. Maybe it is a scam?

She was about to block the number when another message came from the same number.

'I hope you are doing well Nabi-shi'

'Who is this person?!' Y/N asked herself.

'Who are you?' She texted back.

'Curious little girl..aren't we? Well think of me as your lover, your boyfriend or your future husband..'

Y/N shivered at the message. It didn't took one second for her to block that number.

'Some crazy stupid fanboys!' She said to herself.

She was already feeling pissed off because of the relation which Taehyung, Jin, Yoongi and Hoseok shared. Specially the first three. Then Jackson throwing a bomb saying Yoongi wants to collaborate with her. And now this fanboys.

'Don't think that just because you have blocked one number of mine, you will be free. Live the rest of your days freely babygirl. Because when I get you, you will only focus on me.. If you think that I am just some fanboys then you have mistook me. I know where you are living, I know your stupid friend Jackson Wang, he is also in trouble because of touching what's mine.. I know about your other friends too..I know today you have a show to attend. I know everything babygirl. Hide if you can but you won't be able to hide from me. Love you..'

Y/N looked at the message as she sighed heavily. She quickly called her manager and asked her to go to the conference room of that hotel with other security guards.

She quickly searched for Jackson's number and called him.


'Someone has threatened me right now! He has also mentioned about you! I thought it was a some idiot but he knows where I am staying, about you, about us and he knows my schedule too Jackson! He knows about Rose, Jong suk oppa and Jiyong oppa too! How the fuck he knows about them, about us?!! Wait wait wait! Does he knows about me and my real name?! No, that can't happen! He texted me as Nabi! Thank god!' Y/N sighed as she finally stopped.

'What happened Jackson? Hello? Oi!!!' She called out his name.

'I am sorry Nabi-shi. I am afraid I am not the one you have wanted to call.'

Y/N's soul left her body when she heard that. That person's voice seemed familiar to her. She quickly pulled out the phone from her ear and looked at the call ID.

Mr.Min (bts)

'What the fuck! Oh no! What did I told him?! Did I told him about my real name and about my identity?!' She thought to herself.

She couldn't even remember what she has just told to Yoongi. She cursed herself for not seeing whom she has called.

















Yoongi stood still. His eyes were in the mirror, looking at his reflection.

He was shaving when Y/N had called him. He thought it was from one of his manager or staff and didn't even looking at the unknown caller Id.

He had turned on the speaker when Y/N started to talk. He trued to talk but he was cut off by some girl's ranting. He frowned when he heard the voice. He looked at the caller id. It was unknown number.

'It's Ms.Nabi?!' Yoongi thought.

He heard each and every word that she said.

'Someone has threatened me right now! He has also mentioned about you!'

'Someone has threatened her and also mentioned about me?!' He thought.

'I thought it was a some idiot but he knows where I am staying, about you, about us and he knows my schedule too Jackson!'

He frowned when he heard Jackson's name.

'Jackson? She is...talking to Jackson? And what she meant by about us?! Are they both dating!?' Yoongi thought.

'He knows about Rose, Jong suk oppa and Jiyong oppa too! How the fuck he knows about them, about us?!!'

'Rose...Hmm....Jong suk and Jiyong? Aren't they Blackpink member and actors? Are they friends? Why the hell is she mentioning about her and Jackson as us!' Yoongi rolled his eyes.

'Wait wait wait! Does he knows about me and my real name?! No, that can't happen! He texted me as Nabi! Thank god!'

This is it. He felt so angry that he shoved all the equipments laying in the basin on the floor.


'What happened Jackson? Hello? Oi!!!'

Yoongi sighed before telling her the truth.

It was silent for a while. He assumed that Nabi aka Y/N was cursing herself. He could hear some faint mumbles.

'I am so sorry Mr. Min!' She said.

'I didn't knew I called the wrong number!'

Yoongi didn't focused on her apologies. He focused on the name. She called him by his first name. Just like Taehyung's sister and his previous assistant and Jackson's recent assistant Kim Y/N called him.

'Why is Nabi-shi calling me Mr.Min like Ms.Kim?' He thought...


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