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'Hello Aunty, hello Uncle.' Yoongi and Hoseok said at the same time.

'Hello!' Others also greeted back.

'Hello, guys! Please come in! Don't be so formal!' Jin's mother said.

At first glance, Jin and his parent's interaction gave everyone clear thought that he didn't have a good relationship with them.

At first, Taehyung thought that maybe Jin was too comfortable to be tall, but then he noticed how Jin didn't look at his parent's faces. Even his father opened his mouth to great but quickly closed it knowing very well that Jin won't reply.

He knew why Jin had such a bad relationship with them. He also at first had a vague thought that maybe his adopted sister was Jin's sister. But after he confirmed from the adoption center that Y/N was actually there since she was 3, he did not doubt that Y/N wasn't Jin's sister.

Because Jin was with his sister till she was 7 or so. But what Taehyung didn't know was that Jong Suk has already fed the orphanage manager and other people to put a fake detail about Y/N. How her parents died and it was also on the news about the accident.

So nobody will suspect her.

'It's been so long since I came back here.' Jin muttered as he looked around.

Yoongi knew that Jin has came here a few days ago to arrange a house for his parents to live in. But he didn't know that Jin actually never stepped inside the house at that time.

'Ah, you can put the snacks here. I will arrange these and take it to you guys. You guys go ahead and explore the house.' Jin's father smiled and encouraged the younger ones.

Jungkook immediately held Jimin and Hoseok's hands and pushed them upstairs.

'Hyung, are you coming?' Namjoon asked.

'Hmm, Let's go.' Jin nodded as he and Yoongi also followed the rest. Yoongi was still absent-minded. He actually wanted to visit Y/N. He couldn't sleep well last night, because of the confession he made. Now he was thinking how great it will be if they actually start to date.

'That is omma and appa's bedroom. It is appa's study room.' Jin said when Jungkook pushed the door and entered.

'Offff! Almost every house's study rooms are so good!' Hoseok chimed.

Everyone entered the small study room.

'True.' Taehyung nodded.

'Is that an attached bathroom?!' Namjoon asked with astonishment.

'Huh? No. It used to be our study room.' Jin shook his head.

'Our?' Namjoon asked.

'My and Y/N's- uhh...' Jin cleared his throat.

But everyone heard the Y/N's name and froze. But it wasn't that big of a deal for them because Jin's sister, Y/N wasn't dead. Just wasn't with the older one.

'The hallways are so big!' Jimin said as all of them exited the study room.

'True!' Taehyung awed.

'It's my sister's room. And this is my room. That one is a guest room.' Jin casually said and opened the door of his room.

His room was big enough for 3 men to easily sleep. He hasn't seen Y/N's room for a long time. But he actually believed that Y/N's room was still the same as it was.

'You guys can share three rooms easily, right? The room across you and the room on the corner of the hallway, you guys can use these rooms too.' His mother smiled and put the chips packets that they brought with them into the minibar and pushed the cans to roll inside the mini fridge and left soon after informing him about the dinner menu.

Jin froze but Jimin was mature enough to handle the situation before anyone could come back to their sense.

'Let's see the other rooms too!'

Jungkook nodded as Taehyung who was standing in front of the door first exited the room and walked in front of Y/N's room before twisting the doorknob.

A dusty smell reached inside his nostrils as he walked inside. Jin also rushed to see but halted his steps after seeing the room.

It was an ordinary room with a double bed. A big cabinet and a small study table. A beautiful moon-shaped lamp was placed on the nightstand.

The room felt as if nobody lived there. As if it was used as another guest room. Jin's heart broke at the sight.

Maybe for others, his sister was a simple girl who didn't like to decorate the room, but for him, it wasn't the case. He clearly remembered the room's previous state.

The room that he remembers was decorated with pink, blue, and lavender colors. There were several teddy bears that he brought for his sister. There were a lot of pictures of his sister, his and his parents. Her small piano was also there.

But now, there was only a big vacant space. His grip on the wall tightened as he tried to fix his emotions.

'Cam I stay here? The window here is so big that we can see the entire mountain over there!' Jungkook was excited.

Jin nodded.

'Two people can stay here. Jungkook and I can stay here.' Namjoon said.

'Jin hyung, I and Jimin can stay in his room!' Taehyung quickly said so that he and Jimin can stay together and play video games that he saw in Jin's room.

'That's great because I can't take any of you guys with me.' Yoongi shrugged off.

'But what about me?' Jin frowned, displeased with the room arrangements.

'Hoseok needs sleep hyung. He has been working too much these days.' Yoongi reminded Jin.

Jin sighed. He really wanted to switch the room and sleep with Namjoon but he knew he cannot let the three maknae sleep together. Otherwise, his room will be nothing but a garbage place.

Either way, he preferred the 95 liners and not Jungkook as he nodded.

The house was pretty close to terminal 3 of the international airport. So the sound of planes taking off or landing was heard by them often.

'I will take some rest.' Hoseok sighed as he took his bag.

As soon as he entered, he was startled by an already-rested Yoongi on the bed.

'Ah, hyung! You scared me! When did you even come?'

Yoongi just hummed and didn't reply as he looked at his phone.

Hoseok didn't say anything as he also lay down beside Yoongi and took out his phone.

As soon as he opened his Instagram, a notification came and he entered the post.

It was Jong-suk who posted a photo.

Suddenly a lot of notifications came and he saw that it was Y/N, Jackson, Rose, and Jiyong. He slide the notifications up and looked at Jong Suk's post.

It was a group photo of the five where he tagged everyone and wrote,

'Only 10 hours are left!'

The photo was the Polaroid picture of 5 luggage.


He heard Yoongi and looked beside him only to see that Yoongi was looking at the same image. The only difference was that Yoongi was looking at Y/N's post.

'Can't wait to travel together!'

'They are going on a vacation.' Hoseok mumbled.

But before he could say anything else, he saw Yoongi dialing Y/N's number and leaving the room.

'What happened to him now?' Hoseok frowned.


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