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Author's POV

'Are we leaving already?' Y/N's manager asked.

'Yes. Let's get this done quickly. Besides, I have free time now. Please inform HYBE.' Y/N said.

It's been a week since she and Jackson came back. Taehyung was sad to know that his stay there with his sister has came to an end since he knew that Y/N was Jackson's assistant.

But things went heated up quickly when he argued with Jackson that he didn't see Y/N in the airplane. Did Jackson not take care of his sister?

On the other hand, his sister aka Y/N was standing in front of Taehyung but as Nabi. So she couldn't even say anything. Jackson had to tell Taehyung that Y/N has left the previous night to close the matter.

But still, Taehyung texted T/N till bow to leave Jackson's side and look for another job. Maybe she can become BTS's assistant or staff. But Y/N declined immediately.

After discussing with Jackson, Y/N decided to make her an assistant to Miss. Nabi so that she can change her get-up from Nabi to Y/N or vice-versa. It was also hard for her if she becomes Jackson's assistant. Double work.

'Hello, Nabi.' Yoongi smiled when he saw Y/N entering his recording room.

'Hello, Yoongi-shi.' Y/N didn't know what to call but she can't call Yoongi Mr.Min since, in the music industry, she was a senior and Yoongi was her junior.

'Please sit here. I have made a demo version. Make yourself comfortable. I will look for that file and play the demo.'

Y/N nodded and sat down. It was her first time here but not her first time sitting alone with him. She was nervous. She knew she had to be careful not to mention anything which Kim Y/N did in the past with Yoongi and his company.

Knock knock

She flinched a little when she heard a knock on the door. Yoongi tapped a button and the screen in front of him was turned on.

It was a girl and Y/N knew her yet she couldn't identify her. The girl had something in her hand. Yoongi nodded to himself as he tapped on another button and the automatic door opened on its own.

Y/N curiously tilted her head to see that person whom she thought was familiar. The girl came forward and bowed before walking to Yoongi and giving him the coffee.

The girl finally turned to Y/N as both of their eyes were opened wide.

Y/N gasped after finally realizing who that girl was.

'E-Eva?!' She whispered.

'Oh my god, Ms.Nabi! I am such a big fan of yours!' Eva bowed as she squealed like a teenage girl who just got a proposal from her crush.

Y/N mentally rolled her eyes at Eva's dual personality. When Y/N was Kim Y/N, Eva didn't give a fuck about her, and now since she is being Miss. Nabi, Eva is practically bowing for Y/N.

'In the end, it's all about money and fame.' Y/N thought.

'She is Eva. She is new in HYBE.' Yoongi said.

Y/N's eyes flickered through Yoongi and Eva.

'You can go now Eva. Tell Namjoon about Nabi being here with me.'

'Okay Mr.Min.' Eva said and left.

'How could he just hire her? Even she gave her work to me and made me work overtime back then!' Y/N said to herself in disbelief.


She looked at Yoongi who handed her an ice-americano and he took the other one for himself before sitting on his chair.

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