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Author's pov

'Y/N...? You.....YOU CAN TALK?!!!'

Y/N took a few steps back. Mind busy thinking of something while her eyes looked around trying to look for an escape but she knew she can't just leave. He will talk about this to everyone.

'I-.....' She whispered while trying to form sentences.

'You...oh my god!'

'Y/N? Hoseok? Why are you guys outside?'

Both Hoseok and Y/N looked at Yoongi who also came out from the cafe.

'Hyung Y-'

Y/N gasped and grabbed Hoseok's hand. Hoseok looked at her as she pleaded with her eyes and blinked her eyes numerous times.

Hoseok hesitated but looked at Yoongi.

'Please! Please!' She thought.

'Nothing. Hyung, I have some work with Y/N. You go ahead and meet with Namjoon.'

Hoseok grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the exit without even waiting for Yoongi to reply.

'Wh-?! What?! What does he have to do with her?! He isn't even that close with her!' Yoongi sighed.

Yoongi looked at the fading figures of Hoseok and T/N going towards who knows where.









'W-where are you taking me?!' Y/N panted heavily while Hoseok still walked while holding her hands.

Hoseok didn't reply but walked towards a car. Assuming that it was his car, Y/N got inside when Hoseok opened the door for her.

But seeing the driver she zipped up her mouth. Hoseok sat beside her in the back seat and looked at her briefly.

'Please take us to my dorm.'

The driver nodded and started the car.

Y/N gasped while looking at him with her eyes widened.

She quickly took out her phone and wrote,

'Why are you taking me there?!'

Hoseok who knew that she was writing for him, already peaked and saw the words.

'Don't worry.'







After finally reaching his dorm, he took Y/N out of the car and went to the garage.

Y/N confusedly followed him. Even though she wanted to leave she couldn't. She can't have him tell others and she knew that he wanted to hear the truth.

When Hoseok took out his car keys Y/N opened her mouth to speak but Hoseok talked first.

'Get into the car. Don't speak there are Cameras unless you want everyone to know that you can speak.'

Y/N zipped her mouth and sat down on the passenger seat as Hoseok sat down in the driver's seat.

Turning on the engine, he started the car and drove.

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