"even if she says that I'm not guilty, don't believe please. I won't come back to her, I better die here"

"so where is the suspect?" suddenly someone talks out and Yibo turns back, meeting Sean's eyes. later one greets them and sits down in front of the boy "family violence, do you admit?"

"Yes I do. Everything she says is true"

"are you kidding me?" Sean keeps looking at him and then laughs mockingly, opening the case "I have met countless abusers and you aren't the one surely. I bet, you can't even kill the ant"

"should we just trust your words Sean? his girlfriend is surely abused and she is blaming him. how can woman lie about this kind of matter?"

"so detective Wang Yibo" Sean locks eyes with him and Yibo takes step back "if woman calls herself victim, are we supposed to just believe her without listening to other party? since when gender defines the culpability?"

"she will never let me go" sun addresses to Sean and painfully smiles "you're first one who saw the reality and I'm very thankful for this" he gets up and takes shirt off, making his bruised body visible. some wounds are already healed and some still fresh and red "when loud sounds comes out from our flat, everyone thinks it's me beating her up. everyone looks at me with disgust or just turn their heads away. this isn't first time I was brought here, but she always denied everything and took me back to home...maybe to just keep tormenting me"

"sun please wait" Yibo rubs his temples with frustration and leans on the table "how could feeble girl like her cause this wounds? don't you think it's too unbelievable?"

"not her hands but there is many things that can cause it right? actually I don't mind physical pain at all, but she is destroying me emotionally. I endured it all, because thought it was deserved for my greed but...not anymore"

"so...let us take testimony from you" Yibo sighs and sits down next to Sean, opening the laptop "can you tell us everything from the beginning? I will ask official questions later, now talk for doctor to hear"

"we're studying together at the college, I got in with scholarship because couldn't afford fee. Pei is rich and this is main reason, everyone saw her as pretty too. soon she started having interest in me and I became object of hate from everyone. there was new gift everyday in my locker, I was receiving better food than others, I was never punished for bad things. I got...student grant too. simply I was under her protection. I won't lie, I enjoyed it"

"is the flat you live in bought by her?"


"so Mr Sun, you never refused to get gifts from her right?"

"I did never ask for them either. I didn't extort money from her"

"you know people always ask for something in return"

"I kept her company, I was "good boy" for her. she was always nice too, until I started trying to stand on my own feet. After graduation she offered to live together and I agreed, maybe it was more gratitude than love, but I sincerely wanted to stay with her. our first fight was after I denied working at her father's company and got job on my own. she started coming to my workplace almost everyday and controlling every step of mine. I noticed all my colleagues avoiding relationship with me and find out later that it was her doing"

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