The USJ incident Part 2

Start from the beginning

Waiting for the right opportunity, All Might ducked under one of the Nomu's punches and hugged him. Once the Nomu was in All Might's grasp, he threw the Nomu into the sky and then joined it, punching it to the floor. Doing canon ball roll in the sky, All Might flipped his body so that his head was pointing toward the ground. As he began to descend, he stuck both of his arms out in front of him, copying how Superman would fly and then rocketed into the Nomu's body.

As All Might collided with the Nomu, a few more people arrived at the scene. It was Bakugo, Aizawa, Todoroki and Kirishima. They were all pushed back by the force of the collision but were amazed at the power All Might displayed.

"Woah he's bullying that guy." Kirishima pointed out, wincing for the Nomu.

"All Might seems to be having fun."

"You're right, I don't think he's been able to go all out on a villain like this in a while." Aizawa followed up. Instead of contributing to the conversation, Todoroki looked around to see if any villains had gotten away. When he was doing his visual scan, he noticed a familiar green-haired boy lying on the floor unconscious. Without the others realising, Todoroki made his way over to the boy, picked him up and then made his way back. The speed at which he did it was quite impressive, All Might and the Nomu had only been able to get back onto their feet by the time he returned.

"It seems like it's starting again," Kirishima smirked.

"I would erase his quirk but I have no need, All Might's got it." Aizawa also smirked. "Wait a second, where's Midoriya?" He began to look around, but when he looked next to him, he saw Todoroki holding the boy over his shoulders.

"He's right here, surprisingly he's light. It's probably due to the rubber." Bakugo and Kirishima looked at their injured friend and got mad.

"They banged him up pretty bad didn't they?" Bakugo squinted, examining every bruise and cut on his friend's body.

"Yeah they did, I wanna find that warp guy so we can beat his ass." Kirishima was mad, but his Sensei was able to calm him down, there was no reason to get mad when he was going to be fine later.

"They're starting up again children." Both All Might and the Nomu rushed each other, causing another massive shockwave, which pushed back everyone in the area.

"SO YOU STILL WANT TO FIGHT BACK, I ALRIGHT THEN, LET'S DEAL WITH YOU PROPERLY." Suddenly, yellow sparks flew off of All Might's hands.

"Whoa, what's that? No one ever told me All Might had two quirks." Kirishima stated flabbergasted.

"It's not another quirk, it's called Haki, an advanced version of a rare type," Aizawa informed them. All Might drew his fist back and threw a punch that didn't hit the Nomu but was enough to blow a clean hole directly through it.

"I DIDN'T EVEN NAME THE PUNCH, ARE YOU REALLY THAT WEAK?!" Everyone stood there in disbelief, All Might's power and speed were on another level. What shocked the students wasn't the power, but it was the speed. The speed at which that punch flew was far too fast for their eyes to track. When All Might backed away from the Nomu, it started to screech again and then regenerate.

Once the Nomu was fully healed again, All Might allowed it to rush him as he began to dodge every punch that was thrown at him. Wherever the Nomu targeted, it would miss.

"I GUESS YOU WERE ALL HYPE, YOU COULDN'T KILL ME EVEN IF I USED HALF OF MY POWER!" All Might mocked. After a few more seconds of allowing the Nomu to be on the offensive, All Might stopped its hand with his palm and then squeezed it, crushing the Nomu's hand. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH FUN, I THINK ITS TIME I CLOSE THIS SHOW!" By now, everyone in the facility was watching the fight as they had no enemies to deal with. Cocking his fist back, All Might's right hand began to emit yellow sparks. "REMEMBER STUDENTS, IN WHATEVER YOU DO ALWAYS GO BEYOND, PLUS ULTRA!" He yelled, smashing the Nomu's jaw with an overhand right, slamming it into the ground.

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