Waiting Shed

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I was walking when the snow started to fall. What do I expect? It was cold and breezy evening cause It's winter.

"Oh sheez. I have no money."
I run towards the nearest waiting shed. There I saw a guy, red hair. He's crying. I was amused. A guy? Crying? Funny isn't it? But I admire him because real man, do cries. It's not as if he's crying loudly. Tears were just rolling on his cheeks, no sounds, silent.

His face was familiar. Very familiar.

My heart skips a beat. What was happening? He's a total stranger so why do I have the gut that I know him? I shook my head.

"Uh? Hi?" he said as he sniffs. He wipe off his tears.

"Hello?" I answered back.

"This is embarassing! A girl caught me crying for pete's sake. Haha," he said faking a laugh.

"Nah. I admire boys who cry."

"So you admire me?"


"You're so honest. I remember someone on you."

"Girlfriend of yours?"

"Nah. She's not. And she will never be," he said and I saw tears running down on his cheeks. I come closer to him and wipe those tears using my thumb.

My heart says that I should wipe those so I did. I met his gaze.

"You look like her."

"Huh?" I laughed.
"Hahaha. A nerdy me?" I asked. Trying to ease the tension between us by forcing a laugh.

"Nevermind," he said shaking his head.

"You love her that much huh?"

"More than my life. But she doesn't know it. She thought I was just playing stupid games. That's why she left."

"Sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. I gotta go. The cab is coming. Are you going with me?"

"Nah. I have my driver. I'll wait for him."

"If you say so...Then... Goodbye?"

I tiptoed and kissed his cheeks. "Goodbye."
He eye smiled and entered the cab. He waved his hand.

"My name is Lagarto by the way!" he introduced.
I was taken aback. My tongue got by the cat.

It's him. Lagarto. A tear fell from my eye. Why do I didn't notice that, it's him?

I COME BACK to the place where he showed me how much he loves me. The place where I saw him crying because of me.

The Waiting Shed. Yes. I'm the girl he's talking about. I ranaway because I heard his friends talking that he's not serious in courting me. It was just a game.I was hurt to the point that I runaway.
Now, I'm hoping to see him. But to my frustration he wasn't there. Im stupid of thinking that he'll still wait in this place. Maybe we're not really meant to be. I started to walk. Away from that place. Away from agony and pain.

"Erika Dagle!"

I frozed. I looked back to see him smiling, looking tired as if he runs a mile but still, he's charming. He run towards me and embraced me.

"Lagarto," I whispered. "How did you know that--"

"My heart tells me all," he said and brushed his lips to mine.

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