//42//: From him we are and to him we shall return

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My two favorite people were gone. All in one year.

"She's in a better place, In Shaa Allah. Her corpse will be buried immediately after Zuhr." Ya Arif said out loud with immense tears rolling down his cheeks. His sister had returned back to her lord.

I nodded curving my lips into the tiniest smile. I looked left to see Aliya beside Kubra. It felt as though it was Aliza that was staring at me. Why did they have to be identical twins!? They were identical in the face but certainly not by heart.

One was an angel while the other one was a devil.

"Let's pray for my Aliza please." They all clasped their hands as I began supplicating. I continued the du'as till I heard the call of the Adhan for Zuhr prayer. I looked up to see every single one of them in tears except me.

Ya Allah I can't handle this.

I just can't.


The men were all out and we were now in Mrs Mahir's bedroom. Immediately I was through with my Salat, I took a Quran from her drawer. Surprisingly this was the longest I had stayed in her room. I've never stayed in her room for this long and still be sane. But I was calm.

I'm sad that my mother figure is now gone but the feeling of knowing she's in a better place was soothing. Aliza was good person and nobody can deny that. She was the female version of Saif just a lot better. The evilest of men can't even testify wrong against her.

"My Eliza is gone! She's gone! She is never returning back to me." Mrs Mahir muttered audibly as tears continued rolling down her cheeks. Mom and Amma tried their best to comfort her but it was all in vain. I couldn't bear seeing my Iron Lady in so much pain, not today.

I walked up to her and hugged her taking a seat on the bed. I almost chuckled at the gasp they all let out because the two of us being together was an abomination. But here I was comforting Mrs Mahir in ways she's never done to me.

"Shh, it's okay. Pray for her, just keep praying for her." I whispered into her ears. Her body was sprawled on her king sized bed, her head resting on my laps.

Aliza was her favourite child. Heck, she was everyone's favourite! The most lovable being in our entire clan no doubt there. If tears were able to roll down my cheeks then I wouldn't have been able to be sane.

If only they could see through me. If only they knew how my heart and whole life was falling apart. Within thirty minutes, she fell asleep so I placed her head on her bed.

"Thank you, Sabrina." Amma thanked me because I was the only person that was able to calm her down that too in a sweet manner. Of course it was unexpected but I had to do it.

Ya Aliza would have been so proud of me to be very honest.

"Don't thank me. I did it for Aliza, she wouldn't have liked seeing her in that condition." Without another word being exchanged in the room, I sauntered out to the comfort of my own room where I found my friends.

"Are you okay?" Kubra asked but her voice was so low to be called a whisper. She was afraid of saying anything that would hurt me more

I shook my head with a small smile on my lips. "I'm not but I'll sleep it off." I laid on my bed next to Mimi who had already drifted off.



"Where's my mommy, Aunt Sabrina?" Hiba asked as I held her up on my waist. I literally almost collapsed along with her after hearing her soft hopeful voice.

Double fire🔥Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ