In response to the army, several hundred portals of various sizes opened up behind Tanjiro and the Doom Slayer. Emerging from these portals was the remainder of the ARC forces on Earth and Mars, the entirety of the Demon Slayer Corps, and the now-unified Night Sentinels. King Valen emerged from his portal with a reforged Crucible in-hand which was no longer made of argent energy but instead, of pure wraith energy, giving the blade a brighter blue color compared to the rest of the Sentinel weapons. Valen nodded towards Tanjiro and the Doom Slayer who did the same. No words needed to be exchanged between the three of them because their plan was coming to fruition.

Valen then looked back at the portals behind them to see the members of the Demon Slayer Corps reveal themselves, the first ones being the Hashira who led the charge with the lower ranking slayers following behind. As the Hashira stepped out, their jaws dropped at the sight of Tanjiro's transformation, they could barely recognize him. However, someone was pushing through the crowd as the demon slayers looked to see what the commotion was about. Soon, an impatient and worried Kanao forced her way out of the army, her eyes widening upon seeing Tanjiro even though she recognized him from a mile away. The boy appeared as though he had found a newfound resolve as his eyes were no longer as innocent as they used to be. They were tainted by rage, guilt, dread, and determination. The girl could barely hold back her tears as she sprinted towards Tanjiro, slamming into him as the two lovers embraced one another. Zenitsu and Inosuke were equally surprised like everyone else but wasted no time in joining Tanjiro's side. The entire army looked around at the rest of their army as more troops continued pouring in.

The ground shook at even intervals as the Atlans of the Night Sentinel Army began stepping through the portal. Accompanying the gargantuan sentinel mechs was a fleet of ships, both from the ARC and Argent D'nur, that also passed through the portals and hovered in the sky. Various tanks and other vehicles belonging to their respective factions also revealed themselves. The DSC (Demon Slayer Corps) was left speechless as they gazed at the technology they've never seen before. Finally, Sentinel Dragons dove into Immora, now unified under Valen's leadership as they left the World Spear alongside the Wraiths who promised to aid in the Dark Lord's destruction. Inosuke, unlike everyone else, was filled with excitement as he gawked at the creatures and vehicles surrounding him. He promised himself that he would "tame these beasts."

Davoth ignited the orange serrated blade of his mech and pointed it towards the opposing army, commanding his forces to charge forward and attack. The demons roared at their new opponents as they raced forward with the Titans following behind, their footsteps causing the ground to shake with each step.

Valen stepped forward while pointing the Sentinel Crucible towards Davoth and declaring, "Come, brothers, and let Hell tremble before our might!"

Tanjiro then looked towards the Slayer. They both nodded in agreement before the boy separated himself from Kanao, grabbing both Xernex's argent axe and Yorichii's nichirin blade. The boy took a step forward, inhaling as much as he could before exclaiming something he's wanted to say for quite some time: "RIP AND TEAR!" Tanjiro's voice was distorted by the mask (although nowhere near as much as it did for Xernex). In response to Tanjiro's exclamation, the Night Sentinels all cried out:

"KAR EN TUK!" The Slayer followed Tanjiro's lead as he drew both of his argent weapons and ignited them. The two warriors bent their knees in anticipation as they prepared to lunge towards the action.

Immora by David Levy

Without fear, Tanjiro and the Doom Slayer jumped off of the plateau they were on towards the closest group of demons. Tanjiro smashed his fist into the ground with enough force to form a crater around him. The demons were staggered by the shaking of the ground which gave the Doom Slayer more than enough time to slice them to pieces by with the demonic Crucible. With the Slayer leading the charge, Tanjiro followed after him as he leapt forward to match the pace of the Doom Slayer. The two warriors charged towards Immora's wall side-by-side as they danced around each other's attack and hacked through any demon that dared stand in their way. The boy might not be as strong as the Doom Slayer but he can now keep up and that's all that mattered to Tanjiro at this point.

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