The speech

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"Never mind I'm right," said Izuku as Assmight and Izumi were shocked by what they witnessed Izumi then started to cry as she knows that she was never worthy, to begin with. "Well that spectacle, now then you should be going wouldn't want to miss your flight now," said Izuku as they took them away but and were headed towards the front of the school the students watched them go by and started to whisper about them ruining their images at UA. "Now then spots festival here we come," said Izuku with a smile as he finally made his tormentors suffer.


The day of the sports festival had arrived and some were excited while others were nervous. Except for Mei and Melissa who were now in class 1-A due to their talents and helping improve the school.

"Where is Izuku he should be here it is important to be on time," said Iida as he was doing a chopping motion with his left arm. The other sweat dropped at his action "Don't worry Iida he'll be here" said Mei as she was checking on her babies. Just then the doors opened and they got ready to head out as they walked through the door they were greeted by a roaring crowd. "Here they are folks, the class that faced off against villains at USJ class 1-A," said present mic as the crowd cheered.

Present mic then introduced the rest of the classes and they were all gathered together in the center of the arena.

"Here to greet our student is nonother than the R-rated hero Midnight," said present mic as Midnight walked out in her hero costume making the men in the audience roar

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"Here to greet our student is nonother than the R-rated hero Midnight," said present mic as Midnight walked out in her hero costume making the men in the audience roar.

"Here to greet our student is nonother than the R-rated hero Midnight," said present mic as Midnight walked out in her hero costume making the men in the audience roar

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"Should someone tell her that the outfit she is wearing is not appropriate for this" said one of the students. Midnight then cracked her whip making everyone silent she then got a mic out "Hello everyone and welcome to the sports festival" said Midnight as the crowd cheered. "Now before we get started a word from class 1-A representative izuku midoriya," said Midnight as the crowd cheered but no one came up to the stage.

"Izuku midoriya are you here," asked Midnight as every student looked around to see if he was somewhere in the arena "Haha he is too scared to show himself I guess he was just all talk haha," said monoma as he was soon hit in the back of the head and knocked out by a girl with orange hair "just shut up monoma," said the girl.

"Well I guess he isn't here," said Midnight just then the speakers started to play a song.

"I suggest you all look up in the sky," said Aizawa as everyone looked up and saw something headed their way Mei and Melissa know what it was "Told you he be here," said Melissa. This surprised her classmates. Just as the song ended the object land in front of them and revealed no other than Ironman.

The crowd was ecstatic as they saw him some of the heroes were about to go and arrest him only for Aizawa to interrupt them "I wouldn't suggest it that is one of our students after all" said Aizawa through the speakers Everyone was shocked to hear that Ironman was a student meaning he was no older than the student of UA.

Then the armor started to open up and Izuku could be seen as everyone was at a loss for words midnight handed Izuku the mic. "Hello everyone my name is izuku midoriya and as you can see I am Ironman," said Izuku as motioned to his armor which is Mark 24 the toughest he build yet.

"I also have something else I would like to say I am quirkless," said Izuku as the crowd and students were shocked by this "Yes you heard right I do not have a quirk," said Izuku as this caused mixed reactions

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"I also have something else I would like to say I am quirkless," said Izuku as the crowd and students were shocked by this "Yes you heard right I do not have a quirk," said Izuku as this caused mixed reactions. "Now I'm here to give a few words to start this off but first I want everyone to know why I became Ironman," said Izuku as this caught everyone's attention.

"You see at the age of four I was diagnosed quirkless and you might think that it for me that my dreams are dead but it wasn't until the doctor said these words to me, he said to let this be a stepping stone to the great thing you will achieve, those words changed my life and make me push myself further towards my dream of becoming a hero," said izuku as his words reaching the hearts of everyone in the arena.

"I am not here as Ironman today, I am here as proof that you don't need to have a quirk to be a hero, I am here to show that your dream can become reality, I am here to show the world that no matter how many time it tries to knock you down we will always get back up, because if I can make here you can as well, show the people who doubt you, who tell you you can't be a here, what you are capable of," said izuku as one person from the crowd stood up and started to clap their hands leading one more to do the same and it kept going until the end hole crowd stood up and cheered.

"Ladies and gentlemen I think I speak for everyone when I say he is the embodiment of what it means to be a true hero," said present mic. Izuku then handed the mic back to Midnight "Alright Jarvis you take the armor back now" said Izuku as the armor closed up and went into the sky. Izuku then headed down to where the others were as the student was cheering for him and he finally arrived where his classmates were. "So what think," asked Izuku as his classmates were shocked to know he was Ironman.

"Dude that was so manly it go me all pump up," said kirashima as the others agreed then izuku saw Shoto looking at him and soon walked over to izuku. "Izuku I will beat you," said Shoto as he then walked away leaving them stunned. "Ok so that happened," said Mina "Alright everyone I hope you are all ready because it is time for the sports festival to begin," said Midnight as fireworks started to go off. Izuku just smiled "Alright time see what I can do," said Izuku.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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