Chest pain

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"Hey guys what brought you here," said Izuku who was trying to play it cool but failed miserably "Izuku care to tell us what you did today," said Melissa in a serious tone causing Izuku to sweat "I um got some electrics, and other necessities that all," said izuku as he was trying not to looking at them "Jarvis news now," said mei with the same tone as melissa (right away ms. mei) as the news showed izuku fighting muscular "Jarvis you traitor," said izuku "now than what did you do today," said mei and melissa as a purple aura appeared around then with a scary mask "I'M SORRY" yelled izuku.


After getting scolded by Mei and Melissa, izuku was looking at the damage Veronica and the armor took "So how is it looking" asked Melissa as she had her arms crossed "Well Veronica and armor aren't making an encore any-" Izuku tried to say felt pain in his chest.

"Izuku are you alright," asked Mei in a worried voice as Izuku put his hand on his chest "Yeah I am fine I-aah," said Izuku as he was holding the table to stabilize himself soon melissa and Mei went to Izuku only for him to fall to the ground with a thud.

"IZUKU" yelled Mei and Melissa as they went over to check on him "Jarvis ready the table," said Mei (affirmative) then they went to another room a high-tech self-monitoring room, and placed izuku on the table as the machine lowered from the ceiling and scans izuku's whole body and it's displayed on a screen and it shows red on a circular object on his chest.

"IZUKU" yelled Mei and Melissa as they went over to check on him "Jarvis ready the table," said Mei (affirmative) then they went to another room a high-tech self-monitoring room, and placed izuku on the table as the machine lowered from the ceilin...

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Melissa removed his shirt while Mei got a closer look at the screen "Jarvis what's wrong with his reactor (it appears that Mr. Izuku's arc reactor has received significant damage) "Get the backup out now" said Melissa as she was carefully removing izuku's damaged reactor. Then multiple arc reactors appeared on the wall as Mei went to go get a spare one.

As Melissa removed the damaged one Mei handed her the new one and then went back to the monitor "Alright I'll tell you what to do from here you ready" asked Mei "Yeah" replied Melissa as they carefully started to put the new arc reactor inside izuku's chest "rotate it a bit to the left" said mei as Melissa did what she said "ok a bit to the right and we should be good" said mei as Melissa finished the replacement.

"Alright I am done here how is he Jarvis," said Melissa (all signs are normal and the reactor is working properly). Both Mei and Melissa sighed in relief after hearing that. After a few hours had passed izuku woke up "W-what happened" grunted Izuku as he woke on and noticed he was on the table where he changed his reactor when it got damaged.

"About time you woke up sleepy head" Izuku looked to where the voice came from and Mei who was leaning on the wall and Melissa appeared with a tray of food "So how long was I out," asked Izuku as Melissa placed the food on the table and brought close to izuku "you were out for quite a while and you owe us big time," said mei as she came near them as izuku finished eating his food.

"How about I do anything you guys want that sounds far," asked Izuku as Mei and Melissa looked at each other and had smiles on their faces "Anything," asked Mei "Yes anything," said Izuku "alright then," said Melissa as they both got in front of him "then we want you to take our virginity," said both mei and melissa as izuku was shocked by what he heard "wait what," asked izuku still not believing what he heard.

"You heard us loud and clear izuku it's your fault for giving us all this stress so I think it's fair don't you agree mei," said Melissa "Yeah izuku you should take responsibility for getting us all worked up," said Mei as they both started to take off their cloth and underwear.
Izuku swallowed nothing but air as he stared at Mei and Melissa as they stood there in all of their naked glory "Jarvis make sure nothing and no one interrupts us" said Izuku (of course sir).

That's the chapter next chapter is a lemon so ya bye.

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