Truth revealed pt 2

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"As bakugo was full of himself and thought that he was getting a recommendation from Nezu "I guess you have a talent for recognizing the next number one hero," said bakugo with a smirk as everyone was silent until nezu got off the sofa and walked towards him "you better shut your mouth child before I do it for you," said nezu as everyone was surprised by nezu action which left bakugo stunned "now then let us what izuku left for us," said nezu as he went to the laptop and click on a black video.


"Hello if you are watching this that means Nezu found the thumb drive with the note and you also found out that I am not in the house anymore," said Izuku as he turned on the lights everyone was horrified by all the bruises and scars all over his body.

"Hello if you are watching this that means Nezu found the thumb drive with the note and you also found out that I am not in the house anymore," said Izuku as he turned on the lights everyone was horrified by all the bruises and scars all over his ...

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"You are all wondering how I got all of these scars don't you well let me show you," said Izuku as a video played of Izuku getting beaten by the other student who are using their quirks on him

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"You are all wondering how I got all of these scars don't you well let me show you," said Izuku as a video played of Izuku getting beaten by the other student who are using their quirks on him. This angered them and they clenched their fist "I bet you guys are wondering where are my sister and my so-called friend while this is happening well let me show you" said Izuku as the camera moved to show Izumi and bakugo leading the beating.

"So much for family huh that is happening to me every day I go to that fucking school every fucking day the teachers even laugh at my misery, oh and that isn't even the worst part on my final day of that shit hole my dear old friend had this to say," said izuku as a video showed Izumi and Bakugo finished beating izuku was he laid on the floor.

"Take a swan dive off the building and pray for a quirk in the next life," said bakugo as he and Izumi left "Who needs enemies with friends like these," said Izuku as he sighed. "The worst part is when I got home every fucking day nobody and I mean nobody acknowledges my existence," said Izuku enraged.

"I had to grow up at the age of four I had to pay for my school supplies and not to mention medicine for all the pain I was in that whenever I walked into the pharmacy they have everything ready for me," said Izuku.

"Before we go any further I want one of you to go to my so-called room and check under the mattress," said izuku as nezu paused the video. Aizawa went to Izuku's room got the object in question and returned and everyone saw it was a revolver with one bullet in the chamber.

Inko then dropped to the floor horrified as Aizawa pointed the gun to Assmight as the other heroes tried to calm him down "Give me one good reason" said Aizwaw as he was about to pull the trigger. Nezu got up and tried to calm him down when he accidentally put play on the video. "Uncle do not shoot Assmight unfortunately if he dies then villains will become more active," said Izuku as everyone was surprised that he knew this would happen.

"Before someone assumes that I have a quirk, I just thought of the most probable outcome and did the math it was quite simple," said Izuku. Aizawa lowered the gun knowing Izuku was right as nighteye took the gun from him.

"Nezu one more thing I don't want you to reject those two from UA," said Izuku as everyone was stunned by this Izumi had hoped that Izuku still cared oh but she was wrong. "My reason is they might do the same things to others as they have done to me, it's better to keep a close eye on them but you can do whatever you want to those pieces of shit students and teachers," said Izuku.

Before Izuku was about to stop recording he soon coughed out blood which horrified them as izuku was holding his left side was bleeding he rushed to get a dirty cloth to cover his wound he then got a surgical needle and got his old shirt and bit down on it as started to stitch up the wound as he grunted in pain as inko rushed to the laptop to stop the video but was stopped by midnight and Mitsuki.

They then both forced her to watch as her tears started to fall from her eyes "No you don't get to cry this is happening because of you" said Mitsuki. Then once izuku was finished stitching up his wound he turned off the camera. That is when another video appeared as Nezu put play as the video started.

It showed Izuku who was five years old with an old and moldy cupcake with a broken candle what they heard next deviated them "happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday dear izuku happy birthday to me" said Izuku as he got closer to the candle "my wish is that one day my family rememberers that I exist" said izuku as he blew out the candle and started to eat the cupcake.

"Detective I want every cop looking for Izuku and I will get some heroes to help as well," said Nezu the detective nodded grabbed his phone, and started making calls "I want the rest of you helping as well," said Nezu as they were leaving. As the yagis were crying and the bakugos were at a loss for words "Izumi and bakugo you two will wear quirk canceling bracelets until UA and you can think izuku for that but if ever hear or see you two do what you did to izuku I will make sure you are put in the deepest depth of Tartarus and make the rest of your lives a living nightmare" said nezu as his eyes were a bit red.

"We will make sure bakugo follows those rules nezu right" Masaru placed his hand on Bakugo's shoulder as bakugo felt fear "Y-yes s-sir" replied bakugo. "As for you two," said Nezu as he looked at Assmight and inko "form this moment neither UA nor its staff will help you ever again," said Nezu as he and the others were leaving the house.

Just then Gran Torino stopped not even looking at Assmight "Nana chose a poor excuse of a father, person, and hero as her successor I bet she is rolling in her grave right now to me you are worst the AFO" said Gran Torino as he left. "You are no longer my sister you are nobody to me and you are never welcomed to the family again," said Aizwaw as he walked away.

Soon Assmight dropped to his knees as did inko and Izumi as they cried about what they did to Izuku. "What do we do about that school nezu" asked Aizawa "We are sending every last piece of filth in that school to the depths of Tartarus," said nezu as the others left as they were on the search for izuku.

Done and done hope you guys enjoyed

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