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Melissa was able to get the backup power up and running and the machine was going back to normal levels. "I think we should stop this," said Dr. Abraham "NO KEEP GOING" yelled izuku as David got back up and proceed to complete what they had started. "No stop" yelled assmight as Aizawa then punched him in the face knocking him out. " 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%," said David as the machine was running but soon died down as the doors opened and revealed a new izuku.


Dr. Abraham then helped izuku out of the machine "so how did it work" said izuku as mei, Mellisa and the other females were starring at izuku with hunger in their eyes.

 Abraham then helped izuku out of the machine "so how did it work" said izuku as mei, Mellisa and the other females were starring at izuku with hunger in their eyes

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(Imagine an ark reactor in the center )

"I'd say pretty well," said Dr. Abraham as he handed him a shirt and izuku put it on causing the females to groan in disappointment. "So what caused the malfunction," asked izuku as Dr. Abraham only pointed at the yagis as izuku clenched his hands in anger.

Izuku made his way to assmight who woke up "son are you o-" assmight tried to speak only for izuku to hit him in the stomach he didn't stop and punched assmight in the face and started beating him to a pulp "brother please stop" said Izumi as izuku then turned to her a slapped her and inko who was next her in the face sending them flying as the hit the ground.

"Do you have any idea what you fuckers were trying to do" yelled izuku as Izumi got up with izuku hand imprinted on her cheek. "We were trying to stop them from experimenting on you," said izumi as izuku walked towards her and punched her in the stomach causing her to throw up and tried to breathe.

"I volunteered for this you pieces of shit," said izuku "more importantly how did you three find out about this," asked izuku. "I put a l-listen-ing dev-ice on the ww-w-all to the ent-rance when I first ca-me h-here," said assmight as his face was swollen due to izuku, who went to the entrance and found the device it was the size of a fly izuku picked it up and destroyed it. "Where did you get this," asked izuku.

"I got it fr-om hammer industries," said assmight izuku was punched assmight with as hard as he could that it broke his nose and smashed his head to the ground forming a small crater. "Javis did the devise record the work we were doing" asked izuku (luckily it was not sir due to the angle it was placed I can assure you it only saw us and not the work also I apologize for not noticing it earlier). "It's ok Jarvis we were all busy on the project" Izuku as he then looked at inko and Izumi.

"You fucking idiots could've destroyed two weeks of hard work we spent some days without sleep and you three almost ruined it," said izuku as he soon felt tremendous pain in his chest and soon kneeled. "Izuku are you okay," said mei and Melissa as they went to go check on him "I'm fine," said izuku as he soon fainted some of the heroes then helped lift izuku and went to the medical room and laid him on a bed.

"Jarvis what is wrong with izuku," asked mei in a worried voice. Soon a machine then came down from the ceiling and scanned izuku's whole body (due to the yagis interference with the machine it cause some damage to the ark reactor systems in izuku's chest which caused the pain he felt lucky due to the transformation it did not get any wore).

Mei and Melissa quickly got to work on fixing izuku's reactor and the systems. "So what should we do with these three nezu," asked Aizawa "for now they are under house arrest and Izumi will not participate in the sports festival I want them monitored at all times and make sure they don't leave the house we will have izuku decide their fate after the sports festival," said nezu.

Aizawa nodded as robots soon came out of the wall and put quirk-canceling handcuffs on the three of them and the heroes were leading them to the elevator once they got to the top they saw mark 29 scattered across the support room. "Well, that explains how they got to the elevator," said cementos as they left the support course.

As mei and Melissa finished repairing izuku ark reactor and the systems in his chest they stepped away "how is it Jarvis" asked mei (everything is in working order he is just sleeping and should wake up tomorrow). They both sighed in relief knowing that izuku is going to be ok and they then left him to sleep. "How is he," asked David "he ok but won't wake up until tomorrow," said Mei "that is good to hear," said David.

"So are you two heading back to I-island after the sports festival," asked Melissa. "Yes we are I want to see the results of our hard work," said Dr. Abraham "so do you guys need help getting your inventions ready for the sports festival," asked David "no we're good we have everything ready," said mei.

A full day goes by as izuku slowly opened his eyes and noticed he was connected to a machine that check his vitals he sat up "hey Jarvis you there" asked izuku as he was removing the connections (yes sir and I am glad to see that you are awake) "how long was I out" asked izuku (you were out for a full day sir due to the yagis interference also mark 29 was destroyed as well) "tanks for the report Jarvis also what about illness did it go away" asked izuku (I scanned your body sir and unfortunately it did not but thanks to the serum it has slowed down the poison from spreading).

"I see thank you, Jarvis," said izuku as he sighed looked in a mirror, and saw his new body "well this turned out better than expected," said izuku as he smiled. "Alright now is not the time to be mopping around I got to get ready for the sports festival," said izuku as he went to work on some armors.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter

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