Chapter 39 { Land of Adeptus }

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Release: March 14, 2022

The Adeptus is a group of both magical beings and alike, found within. Most of them are bound by a contract to protect Liyue from demons and evil gods and are led by the Prime of the Adepti, himself.

"What are we doing in here?" Paimon asked following Aether and Ganyu from behind. Ganyu told them about the Adeptus. That most of them are illuminated beast and was worshiped like Gods and deities in Liyue.

"A half Adeptus can also be called an Adepti and joined its Rank but only a legend tells where a Human successfully Joined the ranks," She said. "Shenhe is a human that was raised by an Adeptus She mastered the Adeptus art to protect herself and those important to her,"

"How many years did she train here for a human like her to acquire the Adeptal arts?" He asked. "Ever since she was born, a total of 17 years," She replied.

"That young!! and she mastered it?" Paimon screamed and Ganyu shrugged. "She has an extraordinary talent that even the Adepti gets jealous of. She was the first human who mastered the Art of Adeptus. But if we talk about the experience, she is still young," She told them.

"Yeah, I doubt she can win against Xiao," Paimon muttered under her breath. The trio then opens the Domain in front of them.

"This is the Tiaxian Mansion. here you will master the Art of Adeptus. Traveler, I have only one question," Aether gestured for her to go on.

"It made me curious. You are already strong yet you want to master Adeptal art. Is there some hidden reason behind it?" She asked. "Adeptal energy is needed for my plan to work and since I cannot obtain it, then I'll just train to master it,' He replied.

"Plan?" Shew wondered hoping that he would answer her, but a minute passed by and she didn't get a single word. "I see," She sighed.

"Uhmm..shall we go on?" Paimon asked but Ganyu grabbed Paimon leaving the Traveler inside. He wondered if there is something wrong as to why did they stop.

"Traveler, once you get inside, I want you to sit in the middle of the circle and close your eyes. There you will see and experience things that you hadn't experienced before, stay calm and don't think about anything...empty your mind," She advised as he nodded and continue walking. Once he saw the middle marking which look like a magic circle. He is seated there and before he could close his eyes, Ganyu speaks.

"The risk of mastering Adeptal arts is if you fail, you will turn into stone, just like the Power of Geo. Be careful out there, Traveler," She said pulling Paimon to the exit not caring about her scream of question.

Aether watched their retreating figure as he gave Paimon a reassuring smile for her to calm down. He followed what Ganyu instructed him to do. He closes his eyes and feels his surroundings.

He then empties his mind. Seating there while their eyes closed, he could suddenly feel the air hitting his body. He was surprised as he recalled that this is a Domain so air can't get inside unless the door is open.

Aether open his eyes and what he saw is not a domain, but a new land. He look at himself and notice that he was lying on the ground full of grass while a shining ray of the sun hit his eyes. "Where is this place? I thought I am at the domain seating," He thought watching his new surrounding.

There are a lot of trees, and flowers of different sizes, and beautiful appearances. He also notices different types of small animals everywhere, especially the flock of birds flying in the sky. He stand up and decided to explore but suddenly he felt something.

He could no longer feel the power of Vision nor the power of abyss in this place. That only means that he is no longer in Teyvat or he was in some kind of realm. He wanted to explore but the new kind of energy that he feels stopped him from his track is like an Adeptus.

Even in his past life, he hadn't seen this kind of place.

"What is a Mortal doing here?" A voice come from behind him as he turned around and notice a man who look like a human but with tails, red horns, and claws.

"My name's Aether, You can call me the Traveler. I am here to master the art of Adeptus," He said but the man looked like a person that was not even interested.

"You can't," he replied.


The man points his finger at Aether's chest. "I can feel another source of power inside you. To master the Adeptal art, one must not possess any kind of power within them, because a high possibility of both power fighting against each other inside you is High,"

'In short, training it is useless because it will only clash for dominance and will kill its bearer," He finished. Aether nodded. If what he was telling is the truth then he can't master this power, but there is also one thing he has in mind.

"I can absorb it," He thought she remembered how he absorbed the Moon carver's attack and convert it into his own. He also feels the power fight against his own, but he didn't die since his powers are more massive.

"If I master the Adeptal art, then I can have the ability to use it as my own, but the risk is since I mastered it then it will be more massive just like my own power sealed within me. Both will fight for dominance and who knows who would win as only a fraction of mine is present. I cannot take the risk of mastering it if my power will be eaten out by the Adeptal energy,"

Aether sighed. Only one choice remains. "Absorbing and Converting it is better, in that way I can also replenish my own even if it's just a fraction and if I overpower and exceed the limit capacity then a possibility of another layer of seal breaking is High," He smirks on his thoughts as he was aware that 2 out of seven-layer of seals had already been broken.

He then looked at the man in front of him. he could tell that he is an Adeptus. "I want to stay here and train myself. I know it's risky but I will still do it," Aether lied. He couldn't tell the Adeptus that he will absorb the energy of this realm instead of training.

"Do what you want, but it's not our fault if you die, Mortal," He replied leaving the Traveler"

He suddenly remembered that if he absorbed too much and convert it at once then his body won't take it anymore and break itself down. 'I miss my strong body that can withstand anything," He thought as he hope that once every seal broke then he can have his usual strength.

To be Continue

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