Chapter 22 { Sakura Cleansing ritual }

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Release: Dec 14, 2021
Words: 5256

No one's POV

Just as promised Traveler and Paimon bring Ayaka to their journey leaving Thoma to take care of Ayato who is in hiding.

On their way, they meet a shrine maiden wearing a mask. She didn't tell them her name but instead tell them to use the electro-infuse attack to hit the statue.

"This is so fishy," Paimon said

"Where will we get electro?" Ayaka asked knowing that Traveler can only use geo and Anemo while Paimon can't and her only cryo.

"Oh that, Traveler here can also use the power of electro!" Paimon stated surprising Ayaka.

"How? Using one Vision is ordinary but using two and now three..." Ayaka said getting a headache.

"Ha Ha Ha, don't underestimate Traveler he can even use 100 vision if he wanted to." Paimon proudly said and Ayaka sighed when the traveler told her that she was just exaggerating things.

"Hey! I'm not! you're really strong!" Paimon childishly said and the traveler didn't mind it and instead engulfed one of his fingers in electro and put it on the statue.

Marks appear at the fox statue "Woah" Paimon and Ayaka were amazed. The shrine maiden then speaks to them. "I was right you are the destined one. With your skills and experience may be...this shouldn't be a problem~

Before she could continue Ayaka asked something "I'm sorry but what do you mean by a problem? Oh my name is....~~~" she almost said her name she forget that she is being hunted.

"Excuse my rudeness. My name is Kazari, and I'm a shrine maiden. I'm glad to meet you Kamisato-Sama" she said surprising Ayaka.

"Do shrine maiden wear masks?" Paimon wondered. "I'm not sure but I remember seeing one and I can tell that they don't," Ayaka replied.

"... I have my reasons for that" Kazari replies and she told them about the Konda village having some kind of unknown barrier.

The trio then heads inside the village. "Traveler I don't know for sure but... isn't it fishy?"Ayaka asked.

"Paimon wondered that too, why did she ask us to do something before telling us the pay first!" Paimon shouted instead.

"It's all fine, I'm not here for the pay. I'm curious about the mission so I accepted it even though I know there is something wrong in the very first place. But I'm the Traveler I'm always ready for what's to come" he replied.

"Hmph! Then how can we eat without mora" Paimon asked suddenly she look at Ayaka and an evil smile formed on her face.

"Hehe" Ayaka awkwardly laughs at what Paimon is doing. "Don't mind her Ayaka she's always like that" he said

"Hey, I'm not always like this!" Paimon retorted making Ayaka laugh a bit.

The traveler even though it didn't look obvious, is sneaking a peak at the white-haired female lady, and of course not one of the two notices.

In Konda village, Ayaka and Paimon was the one who talk to the villagers about the information about the barrier.

They found out that there is an old well here. The traveler easily finds the well but it's locked. "I'll just destroy it" before he even smashes it into pieces Ayaka and Paimon stop him and tell him that they know where is the key. "Okay, I'll wait here" the traveler replies.

"Are you okay?" Paimon asked worried "I'm fine, it's just a key so you two can do it instead" Paimon nodded but he could tell his body is quite shaking.

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