Chapter 9 { Adepti's }

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Release: Nov 24, 2021

As things calm down. Paimon tells their side of the story to the Adepti, Moon Carver. "PREPOSTEROUS!! Liyue Qixing is a great disappointment. How can someone assassinate Rex Lapiz during the Rite of Descension? And even raise suspicion upon the attendees?!"

"You are also one of them you know," Paimon murmured. "I apologize about that," the Moon Carver said surprising Paimon. "N..noo!! I'm just kidding around hehe" he nervously laughed.

"Anyway, traveler. I could tell that you use me in that stupid plan of yours, but such a plan won't work on the other Adepti. Especially the Yaksha, so you must beware of your action.

"Eh eh what's he talking about!! Paimon doesn't know anything!!" Paimon yelled as they just both sighed. The Traveler on the other hand just smiled.

After the Traveler calms Paimon down the Moon Carver continues. "Traveler, of the accusation, placed upon you, one has become aware. Go, take your sigil of permission, and carry with you a message"

The Traveler takes the sigil back as Paimon asked a question. "Where should we go next? Childe didn't tell us a thing." The moon carver then replied. "Mountain shaper and Cloud Retainer can be found here. Only fate will decide if you shall find them-only fate"

After that Aether and Paimon thanked the Moon Carver and departed to their next destination. The moon carver also told them about the Conqueror of Demons, a Guardian Yaksha and if they don't seek them then they could go to the Wangshuu Inn.

MT Hulao

As Paimon and the Traveler get there. To one of the tallest mountains at the Liyue. They saw a man begging for something or it seems it was someone. Paimon asked him who he and he introduced himself as Linding. The man then asked for help and Aether just sighed as Paimon decided to help him.

"Thank you for rescuing my brother, O Mighty traveler to the lands far away from here," they both said and bowed as they both head down the mountain and swear that they won't ever come here again.

Suddenly something came down from the sky. "Intruding someone's property is a great sin. You even destroy one of my Ambers and set free those thieves! The freedom is not yours to give!"

"Wait we can explain!!" Paimon said as she handed the sigil of permission to the Adepti and even told her that Moon Carver sent them.

"Moon carver.. trusted a mere mortal as his messenger? A sigil of is surprised to find such a thing still exists in the mortal realm. In the beginning, Rex Lapiz cast them with his hand, and thousand years later only a few still exist. Speak. One shall listen to the matter which brings you here, then one shall verify the truth thereof". The Mountain Shaper said.

"Hey, Aether please don't pick a fight this time" Paimon whispered. "Fine, you go explain" she nodded. This is better. If Aether is the one to talk then it will be a battle once again.

Paimon told the mountain shaper everything that happened in Liyue harbor. "Rex Lapiz...has been the Rite of... Descension!? What mortal in the Liyue would conspire foul treason? And what power does that mortal have to kill a god!?" He asked.

"Rex Lapiz charged as Adepti to guard the Liyue but now that the Liyue killed their god we the Adepti shall destroy the LIYUE! but that can wait. The Traveler goes and talks to the Cloud retainer first and after that, we the Adepti shall decide what will be the fate of Liyue." He said as both Paimon and the Traveler dispersed and headed to their next destination.

Mt. Aozang

Paimon and Aether had arrived at the peak of Mt. Aozang and they saw that the cloud retainer is not there. "Hey, why is there a table here? There's a wind jug and everything...ooh, they even have the guest name carved into the seats!" Paimon said as she read it. The one who sat on the left was the retainer, the middle was named Rex, and the right was named Guizhong.

"Maybe "Rex" is short for Rex Lapiz, but Paimon had no idea about Guizhong, as for the retainer..hmm... Paimon knows, the Cloud Retainer!"

"So this must be where the cloud retainer and the others get on dinner" Traveler thought. Aether examines more and more and he found three recipes all around the area.

"Ah, Paimon knows! We need to cook those delicious recipes to get the attention of the cloud retainer!" She told aether.

"But can Adepti eat? Forget it let's finish it off!" She said with enthusiasm. Aether has been forced to cook three types of Liyue food. Thoughts he cooks five plates each of types. A total of 15. Paimon ate nine while aether eat 3 and the remaining three were used for an offering.

After offering then the ground erupted revealing a domain door. "Let's go," aether said.


"Woah! This place is huge! There are many you have this whole place yourself? It's just like the story says. The Adepti leave the human world to find a place of their own." Paimon said after clearing every puzzle around the area and meeting the Adepti face to face.

"One is simply not partial to the tedium of social interaction and wished to find peace. But enough, state the reason why you are here," The Cloud Retainer ordered.

"This is getting boring," Aether thought as he let Paimon explain again the whole story. "can't we bring all Adepti together? Talking to them is restless. Who am I to complain, I'm not even the one who's talking but Paimon," he thought.

"How can this be? Such a Heinous crime... who would dare? The notion is so preposterous as to be shall have to verify the truth of the matter independently...perhaps one shall squash Liyue first, then convene with the other Adepti-" The cloud retainer said angrily at the fact that Rex Lapiz had been assassinated.

"Wait .what? Are you seriously gonna wipe out the whole city? Paimon asked.

"Only a response of sufficient magnitude can negate the possibility of further incident" The retainer explained.

"But didn't you swear to protect the city?" The traveler asked.

"It is as you say, but if Rex Lapiz has indeed been murdered, then Liyue is in great peril, to delay in quashing the threat is to invite further disaster." She explained.

"Yikes! She wants to squash the whole city. Do something! It doesn't seem like she's bluffing!" Paimon said as Aether shrugged.

"Nah, it'd be none of my business anymore let's go," Aether knows his job is already done, and mixing himself with a mortal's problem will only increase his danger.

"Hey! Aren't you here to clear the misunderstanding?" Paimon said

"I'm sure the retainers will tell the Qixing that I'm innocent so my job is done," he said "but...will you accept it...if innocent lives get perished?" Paimon seriously asked as he stopped in his tracks.

He suddenly recalls an event of the past where an innocent had been killed in front of him countless times and he even did it with his own hands too. Aether turned around and approached the Cloud Retainer. "you accepted our offering that makes this a contract"

Paimon smiled. "yeah! We are hoping you help Liyue out not wiped it out. At least. discuss it first?"

"Contract...a cruel irony that you should appeal to the notion after the merciless murder of the God of Contract himself. Nevertheless, since you come here in the name of the contract. The sigil of permission is just a keepsake. Its power has been long gone so it cannot be taken as proof of trustworthiness." She said.

"This, no doubt, is Moon Carver's very reason for summoning us. Your audience with the Adeptus before you is now concluded. Leave at once, and disturb me no further," the Cloud Retainers says as she flew away.

"Paimon got too much headache because of this," She complaint as she followed Aether back to the Wangshuu inn.

"Guess I did get mixed up" He smiled.

To be Continue

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