Chapter 18 { Lonely Heron }

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Release: Dec 8, 2021

Nation of Eternity. A city ruled by the Almighty Shogun who have only one rule and that is to promote eternity.

Inazuma must be eternal. It must never be changed or get mixed with some random culture. That is why the nation has been closed for so long that the rest of the world cannot contact them in any way.

The only way to get there is to smuggle. The Traveler did the opposite though. He flew from the sky and landed on one of the peaks of Inazuma.

The Traveler look around and saw the big city from afar. The Inazuma. It is the city where the Shogun lived and the majority of her forces were there.

"Let's go Paimon," he called her flying companion but before he could move forward he fall to the ground. "Aether! What happens to you? Hey!" Paimon circled around him panicking.

Aether has a heavy eye bag and most importantly his body seems to get old. Wrinkles already appear in some parts of his body.

"I'm...fine," he weakly said. "but.." worried Paimon remember his weak state the Traveler then look at Paimon. "I won't die, don't worry," that's right he won't before he even achieves his goal.

They both saw a cave and rested there for the time being. The moment he close his scared Paimon that it will never open again. She takes care of aether afterward. Like a loving mother.


The next day the Inazuma detected a great disturbance in the atmosphere yesterday. A golden light flying at a very high speed.

The Shogun already ordered to find what was and one of the clans, The Kojou clan reported that there is an abundance of golden aura that no one knows detected in Tarazuna island.

"I see, good job Kojou...I will leave it to you... *Look at the man with white hair sitting with dignity. Kamisato Ayato" the Shogun ordered as he gladly take it.


Yashiro commission is peaceful today. A number of monsters have been defeated by the adventures so there is no commission for the time being. Thoma on the other hand is cleaning the whole house as usual.

While Kamisato Ayaka is the one who is taking care of the whole commission while her brother is one in charge of the clan's affairs.

No one expected him to come through. "Greetings to Kamisato-sama!" The guard can be heard. Ayaka walks outside to see who it is.

"It's been a while Ayaka..." He smiled "yes, brother" the two talked inside and one of their topic is the unusual thing that happen yesterday.

"So you want me to go and check it out?" She asked to be sure as Ayato nodded. Ayaka then look outside and saw Thoma. "I can bring anyone I want right?" She asked.

"Yes, it is a job from the Shogun so... failure is not an option. You must retrieve or...bring the one who just flew in the air." Ayaka nodded as she stand and ordered her men and Thoma to join her.

Before she could leave Ayato who just resting his head on his shoulder called Ayaka. She turned around. "Don't mind the order. You have your own mind so think about it. I will take care of the rest." He smiled as Ayaka just laugh a bit.

He didn't change. Whenever Ayaka gets some kind of random or hard order from the Shogun. Her brother always takes care of her failures.

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