Chapter 6 { Violent Lightning }

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Release: Nov 21, 2021

"Why did you do this?" She asked even though she is angry she didn't make it obvious.

"That's the Yuheng!"

"The Yuheng is here!!"

The crowd suddenly cheered as Aether now thought of a way to escape. He wasted too much time here. "Who knows, how about asking them when they wake up," He replied as a tick mark appeared on Yuheng's forehead.

"I see, I see, so this is how you want to play, huh," she seriously said as the air become too heavy and vibrated everywhere.

"Aether! We need to escape I know you're strong but I don't think you can fight the Yuheng in that current state of yours!" Paimon yelled in panicked seeing the Traveler get scratched everywhere after getting hit by the Tianquan and their stamina getting depleted by the Millelith.

Aether is aware of that, yet he also knows that it's impossible to escape the Yuheng. She is fast so every means of escape is futile.

He is 100% sure that if he uses a little bit of the fraction of his power left on his body then he can surely win but he didn't want that. His power is not like the Vision that you only need to rest and baam you can fight again.

Aether knows that if he uses his power. It will all be gone completely. As long as the seal hadn't yet remove then there was no way he could recover.

So he chooses to use the power of Geo and Anemo. Speeding his movements using the Anemo while strengthening the hit he damages his enemies using the power of Geo just like he did earlier.

But he doubts that will be enough. His energy is now running out due to the heavy use of both elements at the same time.

"I will give you one last chance. Surrender now!" She ordered as her sword engulfed in violent lightning. The crowd began to disperse outside carrying the injured Millelith and the Tianquan to avoid any more casualties.

"Let's see if your blade can penetrate my defense," He said focusing 60% of his energy left to engulf his whole body with an Anemo aura to defend him from lightning while 10% on his sword. The remaining 40% is to strengthen him tremendously.

He knows after this he will pass out but still, he wants to see it through. He wants to try his theory. Changing the aftermath where he didn't meet Childe to avoid getting mixed up with the Osial if that's possible.

"Paimon gets away from us, don't worry I'll be fine," He spits some blood as he then began charging.

"You leave me no choice Traveler!" The Yuheng yelled as both charged at each other. Aether charged at her With the power of Anemo while the Yuheng charged at a very violent speed of lighting.

"AETHER!!" Paimon shouted as he saw both of their blades hit each other. The moment they collide. a violent tornado emerges trapping both of them in the middle. Their elements resonate with each other. The tornado is composed of Anemo and electro and some geo-like structure around.

Both of them fight each other inside exchanging blows by blows. They don't give a shit about the tornado damaging them at all. A minute had passed the whole crowd already run for their lives since the plaza got destroyed.

Their exchange of hits generates violent shockwaves that destroyed anything on sight but it's obvious that the Yuheng have the upper hand knowing Aether's energy has already been depleted a minute ago.

"How can...he still fight...without any Energy to..use his vision... and more than that he could... use two!" The Yuheng thought as he could barely deflect his heavy blows.

The Yuheng could see his cold eye and blood splatter all over his body as if he don't fucking care at all. Not just him but also Keqing has a lot of cuts. She is showing too much skin now while blood pouring down on it, but she doesn't mind at all. he will bring this guy down.

Suddenly The Yuheng saw the tornado die down as the Traveler finally fall to the ground. His dull blade has been shattered. Yuheng can't believe that he damaged her to this extent even though his energy runs out and with little stamina. Most importantly the sword he is using is a first-class blade while the Yuheng uses a fifth class which is impenetrable compared to his blade.

"AETHER!!" Paimon shouted as she come to the rescue waking her precious friends up. "Wake up pls Aether!" Paimon cried but the Yuheng come near. "Don't worry he just passed out"

A backup of Millelith arrived as she looked at them. "Get this guy to the hospital. Make sure to confiscate his vision and restrain him! Don't let your guard down"

"Yes, Ms. Yuheng!" They said in unison still can't believe that one man deals this kind of massive damage to the Liyue Qixing.

The Yuheng then suddenly falls down but before she could hit the ground a certain blue-haired lady catches her.

"Ms. Ganyu!" They greeted.

"Don't worry I'll take care of her" the half-human Half-Qilin says as both Qixing disappear.

To be Continue

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