Chapter 23 { Heron and the Traveler 3 }

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Release: Dec 16, 2021

"Traveler! I found a pond let's go fishing!" Paimon shouted while pointing her finger at the big lake out there.

"Aren't we going home?" Ayaka asked surprising the two.

"Home can we eat that?" Paimon tilts her head sideway wondering what that is.

"Home...ah my sister always tells me that," The Traveler said while bringing out his fishing rod.

Ayaka looks at them dumbly. "Don't tell me you guys don't have a place to settle with...

Paimon childishly replied, "heck yeah!"

"We'll have nowhere to go. Once we do commission we just sleep anywhere, whether it would be a cave, trees, grassland, or anywhere," he said smiling.

"That's right, those commissions pay too low and that's why we're always outside. But Paimon doesn't mind it. Traveler here knows a lot of survival skills," She proudly said.

On the other hand, Ayaka can't reply to anything since she doesn't know what the life of an adventurer is but...she wondered, the Traveler here clear commission more than an average adventurer yet they don't have money to rest in a proper place or eat in a proper place.

"Uhmm... I'm not an adventurer so I don't know what the life of an adventurer is but... Traveler, you clear more commission than an ordinary person so why do you guys not rent a place?" She asked.

Paimon replied. "Ah, Paimon knows! Most of the travelers' money ends up in our stomachs!"

"Your stomach" The Traveler clarifies.

"Hey! Your eating too!"

"But not a lot like you"


The Traveler put the bait on the rod as he swing the rod to the lake while smiling he said. "Ayaka, I know you're wondering why it's like that but, I'm a Traveler. Starting from Mondstadt to Liyue and here at Inazuma, my goal find my sister. I need to find a clue about her whereabouts even if that means traveling the whole Teyvat in the process. About the accommodation, we don't really need one." Ayaka didn't reply any longer but instead smiled at the thoughts of living in freedom. "So day you will~~

"Leave Inazuma... that's right it can't be help thought. I need to find her no matter what," the Traveler said while Paimon is looking at the two carefully.

The Heron looks sad while the Traveler looks determined to find his sister. "Ah! Don't say that Traveler! We, leaving Inazuma is still far y'know" Paimon said making the mood brighter again.

"Yeah, we have a lot of time, I don't need to hurry up though, also there are a lot of things I need to discover first before heading to our next destination," He says

"That's right and also our mora is not enough to take us to the next nation. I hope you don't forget that we get here through illegal means because the mora that you save get burned" Paimon reminded as he smiled.

"Then, how about we stay here for at least half a year? How does that sound?" He asked Paimon.

"That's Right! I agree!" She yelled suddenly Paimon flew to Aether in surprise.

"What?" He asked

She whispered still it can be heard by Ayaka who just smiled
"Y'know...I guess the reason Ayaka talks about going home is~~

The Traveler doesn't look at her state. Worn out, dirty and even her attire is...ruined.
He just smiled as he replied. "Nope!" Loudly for both of them to hear"

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