Chapter 27 { Heron and the Traveler 5 }

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Release: Dec 27, 2021
Words: 1775

It's been seven months since the last battle. The shogunate didn't make any move at least once ever since then.

The whole Watatsumi has been returned to the resistance completely including half of the sea where they could fish for food.

The shogunate decided to let the resistance be for now. Since they have another problem to deal with.

Ayaka joins the training after a month of resting. The traveler is his main partner since no one won against her in the previous matches.

Her technique has been solidified more and she has been getting stronger and stronger day by day. Though she still couldn't beat the traveler.

"It's cheating! You have three elements!" She childishly shouted as she throw dirt at the traveler's eyes to block his vision but of course, he dodge it.

"Really?" He sarcastically replied while laughing as Ayaka jumped at him with an intent to kill. The traveler steps sideways and kicks her on her back as she falls to the ground.

"That's hurt," Paimon thought wondering what is traveler doing. Didn't he know she was a girl?

Days have passed and it's always like that. Their relationship grow more and more and the Traveler's reputation around Watatsumi increased getting more respect in the process.

"Hey is it true?" One of the soldiers asked other soldiers. "What truth?"

"That the shogun and the Fatui are on each other's throat" he replied. "Wait it's true? I thought it was just a rumor!" He surprisingly yelled.

General Gorou passed by as they all greet him with respect. "All of you must train hard, got it? The shogun will make a move soon!"

On the other side

A man was flying in the air as he landed on the water. The soldiers murmured "they are at it again" they sigh.

The man gets up from the water. It was none other than Arataki Itto. Who's been constantly fighting the traveler and always getting beaten all the time.

"Ruawah! I won't lose next time!" The Big Oni shouted for everyone to hear.

Sangonomiya state

Every last one of the Squad leaders of the resistance and General Gorou has been summoned to the main base.

"Snezhneya diplomat, Signora the 7th of the 11th Fatui Harbinger died at the hands of the shogun yesterday, and not just that, every last member of the Fatui around the Inazuma has been eliminated ending the war between the two sides" The priestess stated as every on the room get so tense.

"So that's why the shogun army is not making a move on us for these past few months

"Even if they are the shogunate army, it's impossible for them to fight two armies at once"

"Right, especially now that no one holds any vision in their forces because of the decree"

"Didn't that mean that the shogunate can focus on us?"

"They will attack us soon"

"I thought the shogunate had already forgotten about us thought Ha Ha Ha"

"That's impossible, we are their main enemy here"

The whole room is full of whispering around. "Tomorrow we will lunch an attack against the shogunate. We will advance to Tarazuna" the priestess ordered as she tell them the plan and how many soldiers will be sent out.

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