Chapter 13 { Rite of Parting }

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Release: Nov 28, 2021
Words: 864

"Your right on time, Traveler," Zhongli stated as he waited for too long. He saw the Traveler in front of him the moment he blink but little did he know, the Traveler send a pigeon with a letter to Childe.

"Did you enjoy your visit to the Jade chamber?" He asked and as usual, Paimon childishly replied. "It was big and pretty. And Expensive! Paimon never saw such a fancy-schmancy place before!"

"Indeed it is." He said as he asked about them meeting the Tianquan. Paimon told him everything about what happened including how rich she is and generous and also a friendly type.

"Business people are always "generous" when it suits their interest" The Traveler stated. "Yeah, he even thinks that the tackless  Yuheng is better than her" Paimon said angrily.

"I see so you meet with the Yuheng. What did she have to say?" Zhongli asked and Paimon awkwardly laughed.

"Nope, that girl hated Traveler!" Paimon shouted as Zhongli laughed and told him to gather the Glaze Lilly afterward but in order for the flower to grow, one must sing.

At the Plain of Lilly. Travelers just stayed silent while Paimon sang. "It's time to sing Paimon," he said.

*Clear throat

"dan dararantantan taran tan ta!!" She sings but instead of blooming, a giant whooper flower appears. It seems that it disguised itself.

The Traveler killed it easily and Zhongli explained how it disguised itself so that they will be prepared if they see something like this. He also told them that there are several types of whooper flowers.

"The petals are ruined," Paimon sigh

"It's because your voice sucks," Aether stated

"You are so mean how about you sing!" She said as another woman appears from the woods.

"Excuse me, are you searching for glaze lilies?" The blue-haired Adepti said. 

"GANYU!" Paimon shouted wondering what is she doing down here.

"Oh, I'm here to visit some flowers hehe," She laugh a bit. "Eh... she's acting a bit strange today. Where is her serious attitude now?" Paimon asked.

Ganyu then replied that it's because for now she is just strolling around and she can only use her serious mode while facing paper works or if she is inside the Jade Palace.
"Also I came here to see the flowers, but don't worry travelers. I will give you the thing that you wanted after the rite" She said as aether nod.

"Anyway I shall go now, here is a glaze Lilly," Ganyu said handing them the glaze lily she collected long ago.

"Thanks," Paimon said

"Let's go, Traveler, follow me. The things we need are all complete." He said as they head back to the Liyue harbor only to be greeted by one of the Fatui.

And it seems that what's happening right now is bad. The sky is dark and thunderous storm is emerging everywhere.

"What's happening here?!" Paimon asked the Fatui. The Fatui then explained everything about the wrath of the Adepti and the Millileth watching every move of the Fatui.

The Adepti are only acting upon the contact given by them by the Geo archon and now that the Archon is dead. The contract is deemed useless.

As of now some of the Qixing already meet the Adepti or we could say that they are attempting to stall them from getting inside the harbor. However, both sides were quite obstinate, and hit an seems inevitable, given the current situation.

The Adepti didn't acknowledge the Qixing so if both sides come to blow, the Liyue harbor and even the Fatui inside will be in no position to stop them.

"Surely the Liyue Qixing is not the sort to give in so easily?" Paimon says. Of course, their bone-headedness is known throughout the land. Yet, it's because of that obstinacy that mortals and Adepti are now on the verge of conflict.

"What about the Fatui, why are you all so worked up?" Paimon asked and the Fatui replied that it was the Tianquan Fault for proclaiming that in these tumultuous times the Millileth must rein in the action of the Fatui. "That's right only now that they want to keep tabs on us. That's the Qixing for you!" One of the Fatui in the area stated.

After that Fatui named Felix advised Zhongli that every one of his actions reflects on the Fatui itself so. "don't let anyone catch you off-guard," he stated.

"If this goes on Liyue might be destroyed," Paimon says. "We need to do something," the Traveler said worried about the Liyue citizens who had nothing to do with these problems in the very first place

"I'm afraid I will leave now Traveler. It seems that there are some problems at the Wangsheng funeral parlor." Zhongli said but before leaving he gave a piece of advice to both of them.

"Consider your next course of action carefully, traveler. If you're trying to prevent an explosion, it may be wisest to look for the fuse first." He said before leaving.

"Hmm.. siding with the Fatui seems to be a double-edged what did Zhongli mean by looking for the fuse?" Paimon wondered.

"It's Childe, let's go the golden house"

To be continue

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