Chapter 10 { Xiao }

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Release: Nov 25, 2021

"Where is he? Is he gone? Don't tell me we need to go stroll the whole Liyue to find him," Paimon said tiredly.

"There's no need to, Adeptus Xiao knows your here!" Aether shouted while carrying the sigil of permission.

"Eh, who are you talking to, Aether?" She asked looking around but no one coming suddenly Paimon got startled as a voice came from behind them.

"You came prepared. Though this only prevents me from hurting you myself. Doesn't stop you from getting hurt in another way," Xiao calmly said.


Paimon cut him off "Paimon doesn't understand" he just sigh. "Too much contact with the mortal world is not good. Mortal should not be as robust as those of Adepti, nor does your blood carry this level of Adeptal energy. It's for your good. Leave now," He said before disappearing much to Paimon's disappointment.

"Argh! All he does is think about himself! Paimon wants to give him an ugly nickname...but if I angered the Adeptus it won't do good for us," she said as she told him if they could ask the lady of the inn about Xiao.


"Oh, you've met, Xiao? It's rare for him to see other people. seems that he is in a good mood," Ver Goldet remarked.

"That's his good mood?" Paimon asked as Ver Goldet told them that Adeptus is hard to approach. When the Geo Archon build the Liyue, he borrowed powers from the Adeptus. But the Adeptus only knows to protect Liyue by fighting, so in history, only the Liyue Qixing led it.

"You know a lot boss lady," Paimon says. The woman laughs and clarifies "it's not boss lady, just boss...Anyway, seeing as you have the favor of the Adepti, things should be a lot easier. In my opinion, in order to keep xiao good mood, maybe you could offer him some food"

"Good mood? Can't imagine what a good mood looks like for that Vigilant Yaksha," Paimon retorted as the two said their goodbyes and headed to the kitchen to cook the offering.

Before that Paimon and aether did some annoying commission again. Hunting some ghost or maybe helping a ghost and fighting a ruined hunter.


At night the traveler and his companion Paimon meet xiao again at the rooftop of the
Wangshu Inn. "..You two again?"

"Yeah! The one and only!" Paimon yell enthusiastically before Xiao could disappear again. Aether hands him the offering.

"What's this?" He asked.

"It's your favorite, Almond Tofu! As well as travelers' best dish! Satisfying salad!" Paimon replied as she told everything about what happened at the Rite of Descension to Xiao before he finished eating cuz why not? If he disappears again then it will be their loss.

"Red Lapiz...How could this be? Though times have changed... I can't still imagine Liyue without Rex Lapiz...The Qixing just what role..have they played on this?" Xiao angrily murmured.

"I'll go seek the other Adepti. It's time for them to make their decisions" he continues and turns around from the Traveler.

"Wait! Will the Adepti take his role in Liyue?" Paimon asked and xiao told her that Adepti does not turn on their responsibilities. He gave his reasons not to be tainted by the mortal realms. But... responsibilities are responsibilities. Their god is the God of Contract after all.

"Wait Paimon still has one question."


Paimon then told him about Dusky ming. When conquering demons, on occasion. you can come across spirits who have never hurt anyone. Yet are also not able to move on. So Xiao asked the innkeeper if the boss could keep her here in the meantime.

After explaining things Xiao disappears into a thin air to meet with the other Adeptus. Paimon wanted to sleep right now but aether insisted to meet the Fatui right now...

Paimon can't help as she just follows the Traveler. "You've finally returned. How was your journey to Jueyun karst?" As usual, Paimon is the one talking. She told him everything that happen except the fight that Aether dumbly started.

Childe then knows that some of the names that Paimon mention is not on Fatui's intel and as a returning gift Childe shared a piece of information.

"Regarding the archon passing...The Liyue Qixing response has given me full of thought... they've announced that, as the true killer has not yet been found, they are not allowing anyone to pay their respect to Exuvia. They've even gone so far as to try and cut off information. But knowing what happen, even the Qixing isn't able to hold things off," He shared.

"Exuvia?" Paimon asked not knowing what does it mean. The traveler already knows this though. It's common knowledge in Liyue that Rex Lapiz is also an Adeptus. The Geo Archon is also the God of Contract. and is also known as The Exuvia, Prime of the Adepti. All the Adepti today signed a contract protecting Liyue way back then.

"Guess that explains why they are so focused on Liyue's Well-being," The Traveler murmured under his breath.

"Naturally, they both have the responsibility and if the Qixing doesn't do their job properly then the Adepti has the power to take action," Childe said and even told them about his suspicion on why they hide archons vessel if the Geo Archon spirit has risen.

"This is all a pain," Aether thought.

"Oh right! If the Liyue Qixing locks the Exuvia then travelers' quest to find the seven is over!" Paimon said as Childe become more curious.

"Oh? finding The Seven? Why?" He asked.

"To destroy him, what else?" Aether said surprising both Paimon and Childe.

"Hey! This is not the time to kid around! If someone hears especially the Adepti were already doomed!" Paimon shouted because of his lie.

"Tch. My reason is none of your business Fatui!" Aether hissed as Childe just laugh. "Heh..nice answer," if a knight tells some important info to a Fatui then they won't be called a knight anymore.

"But I could help you with that you know." Childe offered. "Hmm. Really?" Paimon happily asked.

"Give me some time. find someone. Someone who can help you break into this stalemate. Truly fascinating. The harder they try to silence the situation, the greater the chaos that erupts...if you want to be around to see it all come crashing down, it's best if you were alive until we next meet. Yes?"

Childe before leaving. The Traveler finds this person's whereabouts. They head inside the northland bank and the clerk there gives the information about the man.

"Woah! Fatui does keep their promises, huh?" Paimon remarks as the woman tell them the location.

"Liuli Pavilion," Hearing the location makes Aether's blood boils. But he knows that this is not the right time for it. He needs to be calm or he will be the one to suffer in the end. It's still too soon.

To be continue

Genshin Impact { Rise of Khaenri'ah }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora