The process of understanding (Icicle X reader)

Start from the beginning

" She has her own way... ", Icicle argued, her eyes still tense.

" Whoever this is, she won't get you. I am here to guard; it is my duty. She can't attack you here. Even if she tries, she'll have to deal with the wrath of the Great Ice Dragon. ", (I/n) stated, firmly, seeming silently confident about it. 

" So, you aren't leaving? ", Icicle inquired, increasing the tension of her gaze on (I/n). 

" No, not until late tonight. However, as you are still royalty, I will stay here until you wake up once more. ", (I/n) confirmed, having respect in her (e/c) gaze. 

- Time skip - 

After months went by, Icicle slowly got better, despite awaiting in prison for her pending trial. Icicle was eased by the news of the death of the villainous Queen Scarlet and the letters that she has been able to send to Hailstorm. She was pleased to hear that her brother was alive and at the top of the rankings again. She had missed him when he disappeared 2 years before. 

Along with that, Icicle had gotten more attached to (I/n) as the days went by. Despite (I/n)'s tough exterior, she is very respectful towards Icicle and she can be very passionate about certain topics, especially her fighting capabilities. Icicle even considered her as an equal, just as she was a fellow royal herself. Icicle had told herself that if she had a say, she would get (I/n) a better job than being a simple guard and, at the very least have the power to say what happens instead of being told what to do by those dull dragons, who deserved the Seventh circle in her opinion. Besides, Icicle knew that (I/n) should be in the First circle at the very least, her (s/c) scales are as beautiful and as sharp as diamonds were. 

" Hey, I got a surprise for you. ", (I/n) informed with a calm smile, as Icicle was finishing up her breakfast.

" That is? ", Icicle asked, after she swallowed the rest of the Atlantic salmon that she was given.

" So, I talked with Queen Snowfall, I got permission to bring you outside. ", (I/n) confirmed, slowly blinking her (e/c) eyes. 

" Only as a precaution, I need to go with you, and you need to wear these. ", (I/n) added, revealing wing restraints that hung in her (s/c) talons. 

" It has been a while since I have seen the strength of our kingdom. ", Icicle commented with a nod.

(I/n) hummed in contentment as she opened the jail cell and put the restraints on Icicle. She looked up at Icicle for a moment, making sure Icicle wasn't in any sort of pain. When it was at the perfect tightness, (I/n) guided Icicle outside. 

" Murder freak! ", A random IceWing hissed when the two dragonets were walking through the kingdom.

(I/n) glared at them, her (s/c) wings puffing up. She had a firm grip on her spear now, but she restrained herself. Her teeth were slightly borne, showing that she meant business.

" You don't have any right to be disrespectful to royalty. If you value your status, I recommend that you shut your maw before you gain a worse fate than hers. ", She hissed, keeping her spear firm in her (s/c) talons. 

The random IceWing then quickly backed down, almost having their tail between their legs. (I/n) sighed, relaxing her (s/c) wings. When she looked back, Icicle was peering over with wide eyes.

" I can take care of myself, you know. ", Icicle reminded, with a strong tone.

" I'm just doing my duty, Your Majesty. ", (I/n) countered in a calm voice.

When Icicle returned to her cell, she flexed her wings as the restraints were just removed. The sun felt good on her scales, along with the brisk winds that brushed the sides of her face. She looked back up; her arctic blue eyes immediately fell on (I/n). She felt oddly safe with (I/n), even with the certain circumstances. Suddenly, she wondered her parents would approve of (I/n). Surely Tundra would, (I/n) was high in rank and a great solider, after all. She was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard the cell door open again.

" For you... ", (I/n) whispered, not making eye contact, as she handed Icicle a gorgeous viola flower, one of the flowers that was able to grow even near the Ice Kingdom.

" I guess this isn't so bad after all. ", Icicle stated as she softly grabbed the flower from (I/n). She smiled when she admired the deep purple petals. 

' Perhaps, there is some good out of this... ', She thought as she gazed at (I/n) through the bars, having a blue blush stain her pale snout.

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*Plays COFFEE (Icicle MAP) on loop while writing this*

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I just wanted to say that you are all loved and appreciated. Also, remember today can be for self-love as well, treat yo-self. 

Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy <3

(Published: Feb. 14th / 2024)

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