"I think I might be sick," Niel commented when he was done.

"Yeah no shit," Atlas chuckled. "Come, I got you. Let's get you back into bed." The Alpha lifted him up in his arms. Niel was cold and snuggled into Atlas' chest for every bit of ounce of warmth the werewolf could give.

The teenager hated he was sick. The last time he was this sick was when he was fourteen years old. His mother was there by his side, washing him, and feeding him. The memories flashing through his mind made Niel miss his mother.

It felt so long ago. It was the last time Niel and his mother were close to one another. After that anytime he got close his father would say Camilla was coddling Niel.

"Here we go," Atlas put Niel under the covers. "Give me a minute to dress and then I will get the doctor."

Niel shook his head and tugged at Atlas's shirt. "It's not necessary, I just got a cold, or flu, or both? Or is it the same? Anyway, it's nothing serious..."

"I will let the doctor decide if it's nothing serious. Just stay put." Atlas didn't need to say that twice to Niel as he closed his eyes again, staying much rather in bed than go outside.

Minutes later the teenager was gently nudged by Atlas. "Niel wake up."

Niel disagreed by turning away. "You can sleep further after Dr. Laura has looked at you."

He turned back around and let the doctor do her thing. After his temperature was taken, and a look at his throat Dr. Laura came to the conclusion of the common flu.

"Flu? Is that dangerous?" The Alpha asked. "What should we do?"

Dr. Laura sighed. "It's nothing serious, I assure you. He just needs to drink plenty of water and rest. I will have some medicine to reduce his pain and make him a bit more comfortable. But there is nothing for you to worry about." And with that she left, leaving a helpless Atlas.

"Should I stay here with you?" The Alpha whispered. He tucked Niel in, making sure he would be warm enough.

"I will be fine," Niel muttered. All he wanted was some sleep.

"I think I will send up Rain. She can keep an eye on you and if you need me just let Rain know, okay?"

The teenager nodded his head and fell asleep.

In the following days, Niel was slipping in and out of reality. The high fever made him hallucinate when awake about past memories and during the night they continued in his dreams.

"Come on Niel!" Arabella whined. "Please?"

"Not now. I have homework to make," I muttered. My eyes never left the equations. Ugh, I was so bad at physics. I tried to continue but my little sister was making it very hard for me.

Arabella tucked once again my arm. "But we need sibling bonding time and you are never there. Come one... You know I make you a deal, if you sit with us I will make whatever homework you are trying to do now, deal?"

Before I could comment our brother stepped in. "You know he will never learn it if you do it for him. Homework is there for a reason Bella," Florian chided teasingly.

"Don't you think I know that? I just want us three to spend some time together." Arabella pouted, her arms crossing in front of her stomach.

"You know it wouldn't hurt, Niel, to sit with us." Florian looked me deep into my eyes. I turned around on my chair, facing them now fully. "But I am not interested in-in... whatever it is you two are doing," I complained while gesturing at their stuff laying on the ground in Florian's room. Both bathroom doors were open and the feminine products were on full display.

It was a couple of months that it was known between the siblings that Florian wanted to take a different path in life.

I let out a long exaggerated sigh. "Fine. What are we doing exactly?" I asked while standing up.

Arabella squalled and clapped her hands. "We are doing some skincare and makeup. If there is still time left we also want to do our nails. And of course, we can't forget watching Grey's Anatomy." I groaned. This was going to be a long afternoon.

To my surprise it was fun. Florian and Arabella managed to get me to try one of their facemasks. They tried to explain to me where it was for, and what it did to my skin. But I couldn't really follow.

When another episode was over and silence fell in Florian's bedroom, Arabella spoke up.

"So Flo, have you thought about a new name?"

I could see how my older brother got flustered. "Uhm, no, I don't want to think about it yet until..."

"Until when?" Arabella immediately asked. She left no room for Florian to breathe.

I carefully nudged her. "What?" Her eyes widened with confusion. "Give some space, will you?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to... I am sorry Flo. I am just excited, is all." She shrugged.

Florian stood up and set next to our little sister, taking her hand in his. "It's fine Bella, really. I just want to wait until I have my things in order. Until I have my own place and can live the way I want. I don't want you two to make a mistake in front of mom and dad, that's also why I want to keep he/him pronouns. I want to wait until the right moment."

It was a great moment we shared then. The warm fuzzy feeling it gave me stayed then for another half hour, it was then our mother had arrived and we quickly had to clean up.

Three months later, the evening before the incident happened, Florian came to my room. It was then she told me her name, Florance.

"Florance... Florance..."Kept Niel muttering in his sleep. Rain and Atlas both concerned watched the teenager.He was now sick for over a week and his mate became worried. 

As His World Changed (MxM)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant