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I waited in Envy's room until she came and got me. It was already past midnight. She took me to Vincent's room, Ace and him were already sitting down. "What's going on?" I questioned and sat down next to Vincent. They all looked upset yet worried at the same time.

"Athena's pregnant, Mila," Vincent spoke. Silence filled the room as soon as he stopped speaking. I didn't know what to say. It's always one problem after the other but this, a child?! "I don't expect you to stay Mila, but if you are, you need to know a bit more about us. Even after we tell you if you want to leave, we all agreed that it would be fine."

Vincent's eyebrows furrowed. He looked stressed out and this was the last thing he needed. They've been looking for Athena this whole time just for her to come back with this. "I'll hear you out."

Vincent started by telling me why they came to New York. It was because of their targets dying before they got there, in return I told them it was me. I couldn't tell them why though, they can't know about River, not yet. Ace followed, he told me that they believed that there's a rat. Which is why they came here to make sure that their associates were cleared.

Envy followed lastly telling me the most shocking thing. They're planning on killing their father for everything that he's done, and that their mother knows about everything. The last part not being as shocking as the first. Envy told Vincent and Ace about the missions that me and her went on and how if we both got something that we needed we shared it.

Even though this was a moment to talk about everything, I know that there's still more. We all have something that needs to be kept secret. No matter how painful it is. That was the worst part of it, not knowing when it's finally going to be time to say it, whatever it may be.

"That's all we can tell you, Mila," Envy smiled. "Thank you for trusting me," I smiled. "Are you staying?" I looked at Vincent. "Of course," I took his hand into mine. "That's good to hear," Mrs. Greyson walked in. "Don't worry Athena and John left, John's going back to Italy and Athena knows she's not welcomed here," Lysa smiled.

"Maybe she should be," I mumbled. "Mila?" Envy raised an eyebrow. "What if you tell her she's welcomed since she's you know," I cleared my throat. "You all can't kill her, but no one said you couldn't hurt her to get some answers. You came to New York because you thought you had a rat. What if it's Athena? We know someone's been helping her."

"She could be lying about the child, she's twisted enough to do it. I like that idea," Envy smiled. "Well then, Ace and Vincent?" Lysa looked at them. "Agreed." They both said. "Good, but not now she'll know something's up. She will also be taking a DNA test. Until then, Envy and Ace come with me. We have something to take care of. Mila," she smiled at me before walking out. Envy and Ace followed behind her.

"Vincent I-" He moved closer to me and kissed me. "I'm so sorry for everything that I'm putting you through, I-" I kissed him back. "I don't want to talk about it, just know that I'm not going anywhere." "You mean everything to me, Mila."

In this moment I felt horrible for not telling him about River. He needs to know that he's not safe, Lysa has been waiting for me to come and talk to her about what had me so worried. I had gained their trust, I need to tell her and Vincent soon.


I spent the rest of the night with Vincent, his arm was wrapped tightly around my waist. We talked for a bit before I told him that I wanted to spend the night with him. Before I could completely fall back asleep my phone started to ring. I answered it.

"Mila, Mila, Mila. I hope I'm not interrupting your night," River chuckled lightly. "What do you want, River?" I whispered as I moved Vincent's arm. "There's someone that wants to say hi." I could hear him walking. "Say hi to Mila, darling."

I slowly got up and walked out of the room. "M-Mila, help me-" It was Valerie. "No, no that's enough. Mila, I want you to come by my office, now or in the morning. Whatever time you prefer," I could feel him smiling.

"Why do you have Valerie?" I asked as I made my way to my room. If I go in the morning Valerie might not be alive. "She's been very bad. I know you two have talked in the past, but she won't tell me what you two talked about...hmm."

"Don't do anything, I'll be there soon." "I can't promise you anything you know how trigger-happy I can get." "River-" He ended the call before I could say anything else.

I slipped on some clothes and got my gun, along with two knives that I hid in both of my boots. Who knows if Valerie turned on me again, I need to be ready for anything. I walked downstairs and headed for the door. "Mila?" I heard Lysa speak from behind me.

"Lysa, I'm-" "Go ahead, be back before morning," she walked upstairs, and I left.


I took the quickest way to the office. Entering that building this late at night always makes my skin crawl. I got into the elevator and pressed the floor number. As soon as the elevator doors opened, I walked towards River's office.

"River," I said lowly to myself as I saw him standing by the window. I walked into his office and the door closed behind me. River laughed. "Oh, this is priceless, you were right," he turned to look at me. "I told you she'd come," Valerie chuckled as she walked over to River.

They're both sick-

"Why am I here?" I said with a blank expression on my face. "I want to know what you two were talking about when you met up. Valerie told me that you've been very bad, you were killing off her people just to find her," there was a sick grin that came across his face.

"I wanted to know why she was back all of a sudden. Apparently, you have something to do with that, don't you River?" Before I looked at River, I sent Valerie a promising glare. She was going to pay for this. "Yes, yes I do. I thought it would be nice to have all of us in the same place, no?" He chuckled lightly.

"If I had known that Mila would've taken such actions towards you Valerie, I wouldn't have brought you here. My apologies for Mila's actions," he said with fake sympathy. "It's alright River, we both know how Mila can get," she smiled.

"You both make me sick, if you have nothing else to say I'll be leaving." "No, wait. I want to know how your plan is going? It makes me happy to know that you haven't backed out yet," River started to walk over to me.

"I'll kill him in due time, on my time," I walked towards the door. "You two can continue to play games, I'm leaving. I'll update you when I have something. Until then if you don't have a job for me, do not contact me," I walked out.

I left the building as quickly as possible. All I was thinking about now was getting back before Vincent wakes up.


Hey my lil tea sluts ;)

Chapter thoughts?!

Kisses~ Muah~

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