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He left.

Instead of waking up to the warmth of someone that I— that I cared for, I woke up to his side of the bed being empty, and cold. He actually left me, I should have said ok when he said, "I can't do this anymore." I should have walked out of this stupid hotel room.

But I didn't, I stayed. The one thing he didn't do.

I got out of bed and walked in the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot before I stepped in. Thoughts of last night replayed in my head, they wouldn't stop. I felt a tear running down my face, I wiped it away.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. I wiped the fog off of the mirror, I could still see all of the marks that he left on my body. Another painful reminder of last night. As I walked out of the bathroom, I heard someone knocking on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it.

"Um, Ms. Florence?" The guy blushed. I completely ignored the fact that I was still in a towel. "Yes?" "These are for you," he handed me two bags. "Thank you," I smiled. He nodded his head and walked off. I closed the door behind me.

I put the bags on the bed and took off the note that was on it. I hope you like them. Envy- I opened the bag. "She brought me clothes," I say to myself as I take them out of the bag. I took a deep breath and picked up my phone. I called her.

"Hello?" Her voice was raspy, it was se- "Hey, did I wake you up?" I heard her sitting up. "No, it's fine." "Thank you for the clothes." "No problem. Um, are you ok? I'm sorry that was a stupid question," she started rambling. "No it's ok, I'm fine," I lied. "You're a horrible liar, tesoro," she chuckled lightly. I rolled my eyes. I heard someone knocking on her door, she sighed. "I have to go, call me if you need anything." I hummed in response. She hung up.


After I got dressed, I made the worst decision of my life. I'm going to see River, he still has my wanted papers, and now I have nothing to lose. I stood outside of the building.

Once you do this there's no going back-

I entered the building and walked over to the elevator. I pressed the 22nd floor, once the doors opened, I was met by the same woman that I seen the last time I was here.

"Ms. Florence," she walked with me to his office. She looked different, there was now a scar on her right eye. Before I could ask her what happened, she opened the office doors for me. I walked in, there were two glasses of white wine on River's desk.

He was turned towards the window, he seemed to be zoned out for a moment. "Have a seat Mila," he turned to me. I sat down on the leather couch. He walked over to me and handed me a glass of wine. He sat down next to me, his eyes moving towards my neck. "Do you still have it?" He questioned. "I wouldn't be who I am without it."

"I still have mine," he smiled. "I should've carved it out," I smiled. "You're still as sweet as ever. I'm assuming that you want to hear my offer?" "You're correct." "Did things not work out between you and your little, fuck toy?" He grinned. "I knew he wasn't good enough for you," he sighed.

"What's your offer River?" "Aw you're no fun," he pouted. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Fine, I want you to come and work for me." "That's it?" "For now, yes. I just want us to reconnect," he smiled. "I need to do something first before I give you an answer." "Fine, I want you back here in 3 hours. If not, I'll come looking for you, understand?" I hummed in response. "Good."


I need to say goodbye to Theo and Marcel first. Before I sign my life away to become a heartless soldier. That's what I've always been, a soldier. We're not meant to fall in love with anyone.

I walked in the penthouse. "Theo, Marcel!" I yelled. "I don't know if I want to kill you or kiss you," Theo stared at me. "I mean both could work," I ran up to her and hugged her. She hugged me tightly.

She pulled back. "Where the fuck have you been! I get it you and Vincent-" "There is no me and Vincent, not anymore." Her eyebrows furrowed, "What happened?" "He left," I said bluntly. "What? I'm so sorry love," she hugged me. "I'm fine, I promise," I lied. "Theo," I looked at her.

"Why are you looking at me like you're not going to see me again?" She wiped a tear that I didn't realize was falling down my face. "Because this is a goodbye." She didn't say anything for a while, we just looked at each other. There was something different about this moment, something that I can't explain.

"This is not our goodbye, not now, not ever," she spoke. "What do you mean?" Her eyes moved down to my neck. "It will all make sense soon enough," she looked at me. "Can I trust you, Theodora?" "That's up to you, Mila. Just know that I'll be here when you're ready." "Ready for what?"

"A war."


Hey my lil tea slxts ;)

Keep on going, double update 💃🏽

Chapter thoughts?

Kisses~ Muah~

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