//38//: Forgive and Forget

Start from the beginning

"Where have you been hiding?" I asked Aunt Emigen as I walked up to her front to face her. She was in tears but the woman still had a smile plastered on her face.

The smile I had on faded way. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

She shook her head, holding onto my hands. It's like her soft palms even got softer. "I came out for a stroll when I recalled my past. I didn't realise that tears were rolling down."

I hugged her once more. "You'll be fine by the grace of Allah." The woman has helped me twice and that was the least I could do. She always had a welcoming and smithing aura surrounding her.

"Thank you." She beamed back.

"So what have I missed since our last encounter?" She inquired as we strolled down to her neighbourhood.

"I thought you keep in track of everything happening in our lives?" Honestly, I don't know why I feel comfortable with her. But I just do. For all I know, she's a complete stranger who happens to know everything about me.

I should be scared but I'm far from that.

"Let's just say my cameras are down for now. Care to fill me in?" She smiled even wider as she gazed at me.

"Of course. So....."


"What do you want?" Abdallah rudely questioned as Farooq stepped into the penthouse. The whole place was a mess as expected. Abdallah's way of having fun is trashing the whole place.

Farooq walked towards him,he was in the kitchen eating an apple. "The last time I checked, the penthouse is mine." He slipped his hands into his pockets.

"Leave or I will." Abdallah deadpanned and heck was  he kidding. He had on a hard core expression that screamed nothing but bluntness and danger.

It resembled Farooq's so darn much.

"Stay. I want to talk." He ordered in a gruff tone. Despite the fact that he was pleading with him, he still sounds as though he didn't care.

If Abdallah didn't know him well, he would've slammed the door on his face.

Suddenly,the door slid open as Malika strode into the room. "Why did you call? What is it?" Her voice sounded so dead serious.

"We need to talk." Farooq replied blankly.

The combination was punched in, as Neelam stepped in. Her heart began to slam against her rib cage. She felt so ashamed after what had transpired over the last two months.

The four musketeers stared at each other one after the other. Undoubtedly, they had missed each other a lot. Before, they couldn't stand being away from each other for even a week but here they are after one month, in each other's presence.

"Someone start talking else I'm getting the hell out of here." Malika exclaimed with utmost sincerity. She didn't want to leave of course. Why would she? She loved them all so much. She had also shut them all out for the past months.

"Can we at least sit?" Farooq said as he made himself comfortable on the sofa. Abdallah hissed before he sat on the stool in the living room. Malika too sat opposite him.

Their attention yawned at Neelam who was still standing there. "Are you gonna sit or you'd prefer to stand there like a bodyguard?" Abdallah rolled his eyes refusing to spare her a glance. He was still mad at her. What she did was uncalled for.

She meekly sauntered towards them and sat near Malika but she made sure to keep a safe distance.

"I'm really sorry for what I did. I was completely driven by jealousy and anger that night. It was uncalled for and I deserve the worst treatment for doing what I did. I sincerely apologise to you all. I'm sorry, I really am." Neelam sobbed not so quietly because her sniffing was quite audible.

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