Level 7: Civilization?

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It's been around four days since I started walking north, Two since I joined up with Amber, and six since I had my last cigarette.

I really need a smoke right now.

My diet has consisted of the wild turkey we caught and the bread made by the Bread Generator.

It's not good, it's also not bad.
Its plain white bread.

as average as it can get.

We still haven't reached a town or village and we haven't fought any Grimm.

So it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

My skills leveled up by a bit, Aura is now at 12 so that's a nice boost, actually doubling my STR and nearly doubling my AGL when I activate it.

Nothing much happened other than that.


"So, Do you know where this road is going?" I ask Amber as we take a stop to rest on the side of the road.

"What do you- You don't know where you're going?" She exclaims as she turns to look at me.

Putting up the most innocent face I can make, I smile at her.

"Of course you don't..." I then hear her grumbling something under her breath "Been here for two days... Floating screens... Doesn't know where... Dammit Schizo..."

She's using my pet name, that's nice.

Schizo... I could get used to that...

It really rolls off the tongue.

"So you've just been walking down this road? No plan? Nothing?" She asked.

"What did I say about-" I  tell her, receiving a grumble from the woman.

"Okay, Okay, just- just be quiet, I need to think," She tells me and I mime closing my mouth with a zipper, a sly smirk on my face.

"If we continue down this road, we should reach the town of Avinon in about a day or two, give or take, So we're close enough to civilization to not need to worry about hunting for more food, but still far enough away to be wary of Grimm," She said and continued walking.

"Avinon sounds French," I say and she groans tiredly.


You know, I stopped writing this chapter here. I don't think I'll be continuing to write this story too.

This is getting dropped. I just don't enjoy writing Gamer stories anymore. And seeing as how I haven't touched this in over a year and I've been much happier working on my other stories, I think I'll be sticking with that decision.

This is a notice to all of you. This story is dropped.


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Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 05 ⏰

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