Fifty-Six: Images of Past Wishes

Start from the beginning

Again, it was much like telling a story to a legally forced audience.

"Mr. Silver, could you briefly describe the earliest memories you have of the involvement of the Xanders in this case?"

Theodore Silver, the man himself, cleared his throat as he stood up. "Yes, your honor," he looked at me for a second, and I raised a questioning eyebrow. Respect for the elderly went out the window when I narrowed my eyes at him. Dark blue eyes colored the sadness his sagged shoulders felt. I relaxed when he gave me a curt nod before speaking. Oh, he was seeking solace from me- how cute.

"I kept my process hidden, and only revealed it to Alvaro Xander when he asked out of curiosity, or so I thought it was. I let him gain more and more control of the project, mostly the placement of the projector and regular maintenance of its integrity. With total coincidence, the continuing invasions and riots started at the same time. Alvaro Xander had suggested for the banishment day to happen, and gave me word it wouldn't be anything less than a peaceful environment there in the Image World." Mr. Silver paused, looking down in recall.

"He told me it would give the already then punished protestors some more time to reflect on their violent reactions. He even suggested sending Polaris and Vega citizens there to negotiate unity. I gave him most of the control under all the power invested in me and relied on his monthly updates about everything revolved around it. I trusted him so much that I didn't involve any Detroit Maryanland soldiers in the process and trusted his. Little did I know that his son and grandson became involved earlier than I had thought. The three of them used it for their personal agendas. As for the crimes, I'm hearing them for the first time today."

Wow, said in a manner that couldn't be any more monotonous.

My mind contained enough awe to power Polaris the star, but my body remained still. The eery serenity had kept everyone silent and unmoving, afraid we'll cause a disturbance in the atmosphere the intensity of his words created.

We have proven the offenders guilty for thirty minutes, so why are we still here?

Oh, for reasons.

I will say that the speech Mr. Silver delivered made the longer stay revolutionary.

This mere explanation is the reason I experienced what I did.

Do I celebrate freedom or weep at our suffering?


I always shame those who cause any inconvenience in my life. What they did was more of an inconvenience to me and others, so I say they deserve the worst wished upon them. And no, I don't mean death. Slow deaths hurt, but these people deserve a slow life. A life that shows them the same boring routine and stability in a way the people in the Image World never asked to have. The mere thought of their life wasting away will make them go crazy, and that's the punishment most suitable for them. Well, it'd happen in a prison cell, even better.

I zoned out for the remaining time but got out of my bubble when I heard Noir's name get mentioned.

"... two life sentences with possible parole."

My eyes clenched as I registered the words. They clench harder as I tried to keep the tears at bay. Realizing that holding them in place isn't within my capabilities, I dropped my head and let them fall. Breathing became hard to do, but I got in a breath every few seconds. Everything around me kept getting blurry, and I couldn't regain control of my vision.

My best friend is going to prison and possibly spending the rest of his life there for crimes he committed.

My best friend.

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