Twenty-One: Images of Heartbreaking Explanations

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Maryanland, September 19, 2040, 7:00 PM

I've been to this cafe more times this month than I have in the past decade. The things having a Flynn in your life do to a person. We now sit at the same cafe we were at earlier when the awkward meeting with my friends happened. Plans that I had of getting my treat from the bakery vanished when Flynn did puppy eyes to convince me to go to the cafe instead. My lack of ability to say no to him disappointed me beyond measure. Because here we are, sitting at a cafe instead of an on-the-go bakery. And here I am, having a whole damn meal instead of a dessert. He insisted on buying me a meal, and my stomach said yes, please, letting out a growl. I will admit that the sandwich I'm having tastes divine, and he's paying, so it tastes a lot better than it would if I paid.

The bustling street and life surrounding us act as background noise since our attention hasn't left the plates in front of us since they got here. I applaud Flynn, eating with a big ass hat covering your face must not make eating easy or enjoyable, but he looks to do fine despite it. Well, as fine as me having to wipe some of the straying food particles from his hat can be.

No, this isn't a date. This is not a date. This is NOT a date. The only dates you'll see are those in klecha's filling.

But look at how the setting sun makes his face glow.

No, I will, in fact, not do that.

His gaze shifts away from his sandwich and onto me, shit. I pretend to look casual by looking behind him instead of at him. To try looking swift, I take a bite of my sandwich. Mmm, food, yum.

I check the time on my phone, Sapphire and Lyaly won't be here for a while. Something about a meeting at their school will keep them busy for another half an hour. I hate when their work keeps them busy enough that they drop dead of exhaustion, but what can we do, this is the world we live in.

We spend the next few minutes devouring the remaining bits of our food, and I thank him for paying. Figured it'd make me look better to thank him first before I drop the words that can make anyone get a cardiac arrest.

"We need to talk," I say, voice stern.

When he choked on the water he was drinking, I deeply regretted my timing.

"Sorry, wrong choice of words. But I do have questions if you don't mind answering them."

Once he recovers from his coughing fit, he speaks with a short heave in his voice. Damn, I feel bad. "Ask anything you want to know about." Damn, you don't hear that every day now, do you?

And who am I to deny taking advantage of the opportunity?

"Okay so, I have three questions," wait, but the last one, asking him about his tattoos might be inappropriate.

"Never mind, only two," I nod to myself.

He raises an eyebrow before asking, "why not three? I'm feeling generous today."

"Fine, then find it in you to explain to me every single one of your tattoos. But not now, we have more important matters to discuss." I cover my big mouth with my hands in hopes of shutting it. Genuine embarrassment widened my eyes, and Flynn's amusement worsened it.

"Forget I said that," I blurted, making my words sound believable by looking away to see a little kid fall. That didn't help because I'm now a laughing mess.

I cover my loud cackle with my hand, hitting the table when my eyes land on the kid again. Flynn looks at me in confusion before following my gaze, when he sees a kid crying in their father's arms, his eyebrows furrowed.

"That kid fell and you're laughing at him, aren't you?" He scoffs, covering his mouth to conceal his smile.

"Will I redeem myself if I say no?"

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