Forty-Eight: Images of Facing Death

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Maryanland, October 13, 2040, 12:03 AM.

My mind, although frozen, knew to guide my body in the right direction.

"Okay, here's what you should do, Ruby. Call 911, you don't have to give them your address since you're calling from your home phone. Just explain what happened, me and Lyly will be there."

I hand my phone to Lyly, "talk to her and follow me as fast as you can."

Once the phone rests in her hands, my legs begin the fastest run of their life. I ran through the streets, avoiding any obstacle the route threw at me. Ignoring Lyaly's calls for me, I continue to run. Praying over and over in my head that I can get to Sapphire before the fire consumes them.

My racing heart relaxes for a sliver when I see Ruby standing outside, clutching a phone in her shaking hands. I rushed up to her, catching a single breath. Bending at the waist to level my eyes with hers, I grab a clean tissue from my pocket and wipe her eyes. The gunk created from the smoke must feel uncomfortable. She must've been in there for a few minutes.

"I don't know how much time we have, but clean your face with this. Lyly is on her way, and so are first responders." I crane my head up to look at the building. Taking a deep breath, I turn back to Ruby. "I'm sorry, honey," I pat her head and hear Lyaly coming close. Giving my friend a last look, I run into the building.

If this weren't a circumstance where my friend's life was on the line, I would've apologized to every person I pushed as I made my way up the emergency stairs. I can't blame their frantic steps. We can't expect people to act in an orderly fashion in a fire evacuation. Yet, I threw that fact outside the window as I pushed and pulled my body up the stairs. The closer I got to the fourth floor, the darker and more potent the smoke became. I raise my arm to cover my nose and mouth.

The door to Sapphire's apartment was wide open, granting me easy entry.

"Sapphire! Sapphire, where are you? Sapphie, it's Azail. Where are you?" My eyes glance at every potential place they could land on, searching for my friend. Well, as well as I could do the searching with black smoke blocking my view. The noise alerting of my friend's cough sounded almost magical to me when it reached my ears. I rely solely on instinct from memorization to take me to them.

Their bedroom.

I look at my red surroundings, looking for the origin of the fire, and conclude that it's coming from an electrical plug near the living room TV.

The red flames aren't far from the door to their bedroom, but I still have some time to go in there and get them out. I shut any open doors I could reach to at least salvage a room or two. I run into Sapphire's room and try not to let my heart break at the sight of them lying on the ground.

Upon further inspecting the situation, I squint my eyes to see past the smoke and see an image of their dresser resting above their right leg. The heavy piece of furniture prevents them from moving, and having trouble breathing isn't making that any easier.

Dropping to my knees where their right leg and dresser meet, I rest my hand on their leg, relying on touch instead of vision to check for any injuries. This dresser is no joke, I was the one that used every bit of strength to move it, and it gave my body a run for its money. The adrenaline in my body and the smoke in my lungs aren't helping my judgment. I should rely on what I can see and confirm instead of wasting time focusing on what may not be obvious.

"It hurts, Aza," Sapphire heaved, coughing. Despite my hands being a shaking storm, they remove my jacket and wrap it around Sapphire's face. The smart decision would be to get one of their shirts from their dresser, but logic isn't coming to me at this moment. "I know, Sapphie. Promise I will get you out of here." I rub their head, hoping to comfort them while I multitask.

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